𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 [̲̅4]

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Felix carefully sat a seat in front of my counter. He opened the alcohol cabinet and pulled out an unopened bottle with a red liquid inside. "What's this?" He asked as he grabbed two empty glasses and poured the liquid into them. "I dunno, read the label." I had just taken off my shoes and plopped my keys into a drawer when Felix slid a glass in my direction. I looked up at him, his arm extended with a glass in his hand. "I'm not starting until we clink our glasses, I've seen adults do it all the time. I think it's called a toast," he looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought, until he exclaimed, "A toast to my mom not finding out we're dating!" he giggled as I rolled my eyes and picked up my glass. We clinked glasses, and both took a sip. I gagged and put my cup down. I guess it's true when adults said alchohol tastes bad and stings your throat the first time. He did the same, but still held his glass high. I looked up and made eye contact with him "It-" He gagged, "It gets better. I think." His smile came back and he looked up at his drink "Changbin, some stuff might come out, so before we get drunk uh..... I-" He stutered, "I love you. I want to tell you now rather than it slipping out while we're drunk." My heart melted and I smiled with a nod. I downed my glass and wanted another cup. It tased bad, but felt as if all my stress was slowly slipping away. Felix was on his last sip and poured himself another one. "Can you give me the..." I trailed off. He never said what this was, "What's it called?" He looked at the bottle and looked back at me "Vodka." He said taking abother sip. I asked him to hand it to me and when he did I remebered "Isn't vodka like really, really strong?" He shruged and I poured another drink.


It's late. Really late. Me and Felix, well we're both drunk. "There's a glacier in Antarctica that sometimes pours out red liquid..." Felix suddenly said. I jumped back and nearly fell off my stool "Crazy" I whispered. He was more of a weirdo now that he was drunk. Out of no where Felix got up. He wobbled a little and slowly walked in my direction. He held on to the counter and leaned down. "Changbin." He said looking deeply into my eyes, "Can I?" Uh... What the hell is going on? I knew I shouldn't because I wouldn't be able to controll myself, but either the alcohol or something about the way he looked at me at that moment, made up my mind for me. "Yeah." I whispered as he leaned in closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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