Chapter 2: 10 months of hell

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A/N: I wanted to add more last chapter but wattpad was being temperamental. So I'm continuing from where I left off.


Once the villain was defeated the heroes came and checked on Kacchan and me. Of course kacchan got praise for his quirk and bravery and blah blah blah.

"That was reckless kid you should have left it to us heroes." Kamui woods tells me while Death arms nods next to him.

'I wouldn't have had too if you did your job." I think

"What was that?"Death arms asks giving me a slight glare.

"I said "I wouldn't have had too if YOU DID YOUR JOB!" CAN I MAKE IT CLEARER!" I shout I'm not letting these bastards get away with blaming me for their short comings.

"Ugh, right come on were taking you in for questioning and illegal quirk use."

"hahahahahahaha" I start laughing

"Whats so funny brat?" Kamui asks as Death arms looks at me strangely 

"Oh its just funny how you heroes needed a kid to save the day, insult them for helping, but when they bite back you treat them like trash." I shout 'The media should have heard that.'

Just as I expected as i was being taken to a police car the media was eating it up and preparing stories about 'the boy who stopped the slime villain' being arrested for being better than the heroes. Needless to say I was let go but i had to be escorted home.

----Midoriya household----

We arrive outside of mine and my moms apartment. 'Oh boy...I'm dead.' The police officer knocks on the door and a few seconds later mom opens the door. She has a sickle sweat smile and thanks the officer for bringing me home. I try to book it to my room. I fail. For the next minute mom swarms me with questions, hugs, crying and guilt. Then I finally make it too my room and find my book placing it in-front of me as I sit on the floor.

I reach out to the book but as I touch the cover the book flies open. It stops on a random page where it starts to a blinding blue. When I can look at it again I spot the mask from before (A/N: Oracle's mask.) as well as the Evoker and the clothes from before. (A/N: His costume is Oracle's bottom section and mask with Joker's top section having Oracle's lines/colours.)

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