1. "Hello?"

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(a/n: idek how we got 11 views in like 2 days! Ok that doesn't seem like much but I love that at least some people are reading my fictions. I also want to point out that this entire sequel is going to be from Lanas POV!! Thanks guys xxx)

2 Months Later...

"Lana, Shawn, are you here?" A familiar voice screams through my house.
Immediately I wake, how did she even get into the house , I think to myself!
I pull myself off of Shawn's chest and wisper in her ear "Shawn get up you need to go to work"

"I thought today was Sunday" he groaned

"Nope it's Monday," I tell him while giggling to myself.
"Do I have to go? Can't I just stay here with my beautiful fiancé, pretty pretty pleaseee" he pleaded me.
"Ehh, as much as I'd love that I wouldn't want you to get fired"
"You know that when I your dating Shawn Mendes you've got to take risks"
He bopped my nose, and slithered to the bathroom.

Minutes later I join him and brush my teeth. He chooses out a white crossed lace top and some black ripped jeans. I throw them on and hurry downstairs to greet the person in my house who sounded very much like my mum.

"Lana! Oh how much I've missed you honey"

"Mum! Why are you here?"

"Well it's your birthday tomorrow silly"

"Oh yeah"

"Anyways, I'm flying out to Australia to meet with your aunt tomorrow so I won't see you so I came to wish you a happy birthday and give you your present today!"

"Um okay where's dad then? Isn't he going with you tomorrow?"

"Um no he's not because I booked the tickets before I knew he was coming home but he'll see you tomorrow ok bubs"

"Sure then."

I walk over the the kitchen top counter and start mixing some pancake mix.
"Shawn hurry up" I call him down.

"Hi Mrs Dayes, didn't know you were here"

"Oh please if your going to be my daughters future husband you may call  me by my first name."

"Oh well thank you Mrs Daye— I mean Maria"

"Mum, Shawn and I need to tell you something"

"Go ahead hunny buns"
Ugh I hate it when she calls me that

"Muuumm, can I just show you already"

"Ok fine stop stressing"
I hold out my hand and she gasps at the dazzling ring.
"Can I say I told you so" She quickly questioned while singing
I glare at her but she carry's on singing
"I told you so I told you so haha you didn't listen but I told you so."

I tried to ignore her and go back to making pancakes yummy.

I finish baking and set out the delicious pancakes on the table top alongside some traditional maple syrup, lemon, sugar, honey and Nutella. Shawn runs at the chance to grab a pancake, covers it in maple syrup, wraps it up with a napkin and gets ready to leave. Thoughtfully, he walked over to me and placed his soft pink lips on mine. He told my mum and I to be safe and have a nice day before he left the condo for a tour meeting with Andrew.


a/n: sorry I had to cut the fic short I really didn't know what else to write but there should be another part out soon enough. Keep checking on my profile for updates xx
If you want to talk, give me advice (which I'm open to) or anything my dms are always open x

Instagram: @/mendesssssssss98
Or in here

I'm going to clear a few things up to make it clearer if you haven't read the original version:
1. Lana is the nickname for Alana in this
2. Shawn proposed to Alana and they are getting married in 5 more months time
3. Shawn and Alana got engaged with their parents acceptance but they didn't know when he was going to
4. A week after he proposed they moved into a condo in Canada together

-Mrs Mendes1998

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