My end

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Normal font: what's happening.
Italic: Thoughts

I am chained down from my hands to my feets.

My lovely gown all dirtied and torn now.

My sliky hair all messy and tangled.

Days of starvation and stress have taken its troll on me and my each steps feel like a burden to my body.

My once beautiful face that everyone would envy and write poetry about has now aged with days of sleepless nights.

But what still remain in this crops like body is this useless pride and dignity, with which, i will not hesitate and look confidently in the eyes of death today.

I am Juvia Lockser, and i am now slowly walking toward my dead-bed, accompanied by two knights, who are slowly dragging me towards my doom.

My body, it doesn't have any strength anymore. Even if they spare me today i have no where to go anymore. I don't belong anywhere and what will i even do if i live now? All my purpose to live has been taken away from me and i have also lost all the will to live.

As i was slowly being dragged by the knights, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head and i fell to the ground. I heard people yelling, ''kill her, kill this bitch!''

It seemed that someone has hit me with rock. I touched my forehead and saw bright read blood. I looked at the blood on my hand for a moment and smiled and thought

How ironic. Hah! Today these people who are calling me 'bitch' they used to call me 'Dear Empress,' and these same people would bow down to me, but now it seems that i don't have a worth, not much than a stray dog.

I smiled at my misery and cruel turn of event, how people's treatment toward you change with your status.

Then the knights force-ably yanked me up and continued to drag me to the Guillotine where i will be beheaded.

It's funny. I am walking toward my death but still i don't feel anything. No pain, no fear, no anger, no anxious. May be after seeing my dear father's beheaded head, this body and heart of mine have become numb.

With each steps towards my dead, the more i wish death would quickly take me in his embrace.

When we finally reached to the Gulliton, the knights violently make me kneel infront of it, i just sat there peacefully with my eyes closed, waiting for my death.

"Juvia Lockser, you have been found guilty of doing the capital offences and abusing your power as an empress for over the year, as a punishment you will be robbed off from your position as an Empress of Magnolia. You have also been found guilty of harming the queen. As a punishment you will be beheaded today infront of whole subject of the country. '' A knight spoke for the whole kingdom to know what their former empress have done. I just sat there without trying to give any excuses and reason for my actions. And i know, even if i were to say something now, no one would believe me. So, I just wait silently for my end.

"Juvia lockser, any last wish?''Then, I heard a familiar voice calling my name coldly. This same cold voice would make my heart flutter in the past, but now i don't feel anything. I open my eyes to see him one last time, and there sitting on the throne with his beloved by his side is my ex-husband, who had sentenced my death. I closed my eyes again and smiled bitterly. And remember all the things i have done for you.

You are asking me 'what my last wish is?' All along you knew that my only wish was for you to love me and to see you smile kindly at me.

But..i knew all along that...

You have obviously never cared about me,...but still this stupid heart of mine yarned for what was not meant for me.

I craved for your affection and warmth...but all i got in return were hatred and your cold glares. I got jealous of Her, the one who you love so dearly.Her, who can never be me.

I did crazy things just to be loved by you. Even hurting her.

May be because i have loved you so dearly, that's why i got this punishment.

Now that i am dying infront of your eyes, you must be happy.

Well, at last i could make you happy, even if its mean by me dying.

I smiled bitterly at that thought. 

*Sighed*But i am tired. Really tired. Tired of caring for you, tired of trying to get your attention, tired of trying to make you happy and tired of 'Loving You'....

I don't blame you nor her. I cannot blame anyone for my miserable ending.

I dared to tempered with our fates, that's why i am suffering now.

I lost everyone who cherished me, my dear father, my cousin, my dear maid and friend, they were my only family, people who truely loved me and i lost them chasing after the love which was not mine.

Dear father, i am sorry, forgive your foolish and aggroant daughter. I am not worthy to be called your daughter.

I took another deep breath.  How foolish i was. We were never meant for each other, but I desperately tried to change the fate and got hurt myself. If i were to be reborn, i will not love you anymore.

These thought, i can't say them out loud, for you wouldn't care about them, would you, my dear Emperor?

So, after a long silence,I oped my eyes again, I looked directly into the eyes of my ex-husband who in responses didn't even bat an eye for me. You want to get rid of me this badly. Still I gave him my best smile and answered, ''My dear majesty, my only wish is that if i were to be reborn, i will never love you.'' with a smile and a single tear flowing down my cheek.

Even after hearing that, his ice cold expression never changed. He didn't say anything and with that he signaled the solider to let the sharp blade cut my head.

Before the sharp blade went through my neck, i

I took a final look at him to see if there is even a little change on his face,  but i only saw him protecting his beloved from seeing a cruel death, afraid it would give her nightmares.

"How foolish i am" was my last thought. Then, I closed my eyes and heard the sharp blade cutting my head. With that, everything went black and I don't feel anything anymore.

This relationship, what do I name it? Our story, which never existed, what do I call it? "Our Nameless story."


A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a fanfiction, so i know it isn't very perfect but i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it for you. If you want me to continue the story please vote and also leave your comment for what should happen next. Thank you minna!

(Gray & Juvia)  Our Nameless Story Where stories live. Discover now