1st flag to Juvia's doom

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Juvia >P.O.V>

Ahhh! Juvia is so happy right now. Father finally agreed to set Juvia up with Gray-Sama. Hehehe, if Juvia wants something, Juvia will do anything to get it. Kyaaa! Juvia is so happy.

Juvia takes a pillow from her bed and start jumpping up and down on her bed and just lay down on her bed. Thinking about meeting Gray-sama personally, Juvia can't help but be excited. Juvia buried her face in her pillow squealing, so no one would heard her. Juvia doesn't want her maids to know how childish Juvia is acting now. Juvia has a proper lady image on other, so juvia can't show other her childish side. But now Juvia is just so happy that Juvia can't control her emotions.

Juvia still remember the first day she saw Gray-sama, just like yesteeday. She will never forget that fateful encounter in her life-time. One day, Juvia went with her father to the palace because he had some official works to do there. She was walking in the garden waiting for father to return when she saw Gray-sama standing under a cherry tree gazing sadly at it.  His soft hair flowing with the wind, covering his face but it couldn't hide his beauty and the sad look on his face, Juvia thought he was an angel who fell from the sky. Looking at him, the time just stopped there, Juvia couldn't avert her eyes from that figure. Juvia wished that she could just do something to make him smile. That moment just took Juvia's heart away and without her knowing, Juvia just fell in love with him, beyond anyone help. Juvia wanted that sad figure of Gray-sama to smile at her. Juvia wants to be the reason behind Gray-sama's smile, and that's only Juvia's wish.

Thinking about how she met Gray-sama, and thinking about what she will do when she meets him, Juvia didn't know when she fell asleep and in her dream, she saw Gray-Sama smiling sweetly at her.

~Time skipped (3 days)~Locker's Garden~

KyaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!! What should Juvia do? She is really sitting infront of Gray-Sama. He is really charmimg up close. Now Juvia don't know what to do and she can't raise her head up, her face is probally too red right now.

"Hahaha! Actually Juvia is really very shy child. Since young she didn't have anyone to play with around her age, mostly because of her weak body. So she is very nervous to be with His Majesty right now. Hahaha'' Father said laughing while taking a sip from his cup.

Father you didn't have to say that, unecessary information.

"Ah! Excuse me His Majesty, i have to take care of an urgent work. I will leave for a bit, while my daughter will keep you company.'' Father said and left in hurry.

Nice Father!

Juvia and Gray-sama, said there in silent without talking. What should she say?!

"Ah! Btw, His Majesty, thank you very much for eating with us today. Juvia is very glad to eat with Gray-Sama today.'' Juvia said showing Gray-sama her most charming smile.

How's that Gray-sama, did you fell in love with her seeing her charming smile. No one can resist that.

But when Juvia looked at Gray-sama's face, it was just blank. No reaction. Seriously? After seeing that smile?

And he just replied nodding his head and sipping tea from his cup.

Ofc, juvia, he is the Emperor, he wouldn't fall for it that easily.

"Gray-sama. Do you liked the tea? Juvia especially made it for you.'' Juvia asked with a cheerful smile on her face.

"It's good'' Gray-sama replied blankly, but that still make Juvia's heart flutter and Juvia smile widely.

"Then, have more tea Gray-sama.'' Juvia said touching him and getting little close to him. May be his heart will flutter.

But he moved his hand with a look of disgust and with a scary look in his eyes, he asked, ''what are you doing?''

Juvia was so scared she couldn't speak anything. Juvia just wanted to get close, didn't want him to get mad.

Tears were about to fall when Father came in.

"Ah! Sorry. It took longer than i thought.'' Father came in and Juvia rushed out in hurry saying, ''Juvia needs to go,'' hidding her tears. Juvia didn't want Gray-sama to see her cry.

Juvia went to her room and cried on her pillow. Is Gray-sama mad at Juvia? Does he hate Juvia? What will she do if he hates her? Thinking about all these things, and crying Juvia didn't know when she fell asleep. May be because how juvia was so excitied about meetingGray-sama today that she couldn't get wink of sleep last night. Juvia drift to dream land and in her dream again, she saw Gray-sama smiling kindly at her.

Knock~ knock~ knock~

"Dear, open the door.'' Someone knocked on juvia's door and juvia woke up.

She fixed herself a little and opened the door to found her farther smiling from ear to ear.

Then he suddenly hugged Juvia and said, ''Father has a great news for his precious daughter'' he said hugging juvia tightly.

Juvia broke the hug and chuckle a little at her fahter's behavior and asked, ''What is it father?''

"Juvia, listen carefully ok?'' Father said and it make Juvia more curious and she just nod her head 'yes'.

"I proposed His majesty to marry you and he agreed.'' Father said, holding my shoulders tightly and for second juvia thought she would faint but thanks to father grapping her shoulders she didn't fall.

Juvia's eyes widened and tears started to fall from her eyes. Seeing her cry out of happiness, juvia's father hugged her and cried a little and whispered, ''my little girl is going to be the most beautiful bride,'' While patting juvia's head.

At that time, it didn't occurred to me why the Emperor who was angry just by me touching him a little agreed to marry me. I was just so happy to think of any of those things. I was just happy that i would be beside my beloved soon and the day to see him smile to me in real won't be far. Little did i know that, it was my first flag toward my doom.

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