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Aria drove all the way to the island where the bar was located.

Zicky's bar is a normal bar where people go to drink a bottle or two with friends during the day but at night,it's a different ball game. Housing all the night crawler in Lagos who likes to party from dust till dawn.

Aria had to park at the far end of the parking lot due to how crazily parked the place was. she looked herself over in the rearview mirror, making sure her makeup was still in tact before she got down and adjusted her gown a bit before walking towards the entrance.

Loud music was booming from the inside as she continued to make her way towards the building. She retrieved her ID from her clutched purse before handing it to the bouncer at the door before she was allowed to walk inside.

Aria took a deep breath to steady her mind the moment her eyes settled on the crowd of people scattered inside the slightly dim hall.

She wondered if Lizzy was somewhere in the crowd as well as she continued to look around.

No one seemed to be paying attention to anybody as they were either drinking in groups at a table or around the bar area. Not to mention the dancers grinding against each other.

Aria couldn't help but marvel at the sight before her. She hasn't been to a place as this one before but she has heard tales about the activities that go down in places such as these. She made a mental note to herself to be extra careful and talk to no one if Lizzy doesn't show up soon enough.

As she continued to move along, moving from side to side,making sure not to bump into anyone,she walked past the dance floor into the bar area.

The place was so loud that she didn't hear her phone ringing. She finally made it to the bar and settled on the stool in front of the counter before a young male of about twenty three years or less popped up like he was placed on a string or something and beamed a smile at her.

He must be the bar man.

"Hey there; What can I get for you pretty lady?" The bar man had asked Aria with a polite smile.

"Oh no..I'm waiting for a friend so that will have to wait" Aria had replied with a smile of her own.

She looked really uncomfortable with her fingers tapping nervously against the counter.

"Are you sure you don't want something to drink while you wait for your friend?" the bar man had insisted while observing her nervous demeanor.

"Yes am sure...thanks"

She turned away from the guy and pulled out her cellphone from her purse and was about to call Lizzy when she noticed her missed calls. _cussing under her breath, she redialled her number immediately.

"Hey Lizzy, you ought to have been here by now so where the hell are you?"

"Sorry babe! Am running late"

"Hurry up girl or you won't meet me here"

"Chill! Am almost there!"

"You better be"

Aria could only breath in total anxiety as she continued to wait for Lizzy to show up. She is always running late for something the last time she checked. So it's not surprising!

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