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Aria lay coiled up in this king size bed that was just so extra soft and comfortable; enveloping her in this warm bubble and luring her senses into a much deeper slumber.

Speak of serenity!

She snuggled closer into the warm duvet wrapped around her and signed in comfort before she quickly dozed off again.

Fifteen minutes later. She was startled by a sudden movement beside her and was jolted a little but not enough to wake her up as she rolled over on her side and continued to sleep peacefully.


It wasn't long before she felt something poking her from behind and not withstanding, she scooted towards the edge and just kept sleeping_ not willing herself to be bothered at all by whatever the heck that was.

She was sure the world was still fast asleep for her to be awake.

After all, she has  got no job to rush off to.

She felt another disturbance and thought it wise to check it out because she was beginning to feel annoyed even in her sleep but that was after she did a mental debate within herself not to open her eyes or she might lose her precious sleep.

So she began to tap around looking for whatever it was so she could just yank it off her bed and continue her sleep in peace.

Aria continued to tap around until her fingers came in contact with what felt like a firm surface but not in a solid way. It felt warm and weird! Not to mention, it was breathing as well._ Her hand lingered around it for a while still with her eyes closed.

Still holding on to her new object of interest; she began to squeeze gently trying to figure out what it could be without doing as much as prying her eyes open. The room was still dark and the light were obviously turned off so getting up to turn on the light would be another task she isn't willing to endure that morning.

All the mental pictures that was popping into her mind didn't quite fit the description of the mysterious object in contact with her hand.

Still feeling lazy to figure it out,she continued to walk her way upward until she settled on what felt like a facial hair and she paused. Pulling slightly at it, she heard a groan followed by her hand being beaten away.

What the?...

Prying her eyes open, she reached over to her lamp stand and found it missing from the usual spot causing her to jump off the bed in panic as she hurried over to the wall socket to turn on the light.

She didn't make it very far before she landed face first in a puddle of clothes with her feet tangled up around the bed sheet_ leaving her in a sprawl mess on the floor.


After the light bulb was mysteriously turned on did she realized the estranged scream threatening to make her deaf was actually coming from her very own mouth as she sat staring back at a visibly angry and naked Frank staring down at her sprawl figure on the floor.

"What_what are you doing in my room and why are you standing there naked and staring at me like that" Aria had yelled at a not very impressed Frank.

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