Chapter II~Symbol of the Past, Song of the Future

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Hey Hey Hey!!! We are back baby! Been a while huh? But there is no time to waste. Here's the 2nd chapter you've all been waiting for! SORRY FOR THE WAIT!

3rd Pers. POV:

Running, with his mind flooded with a million thoughts per second, Karamatsu headed home with his eyes sparkling with glee and a grin on his features. Of course, as he approaches his home, he slows down to see someone on the roof.

Its Jyushimatsu!

He stopped, catching his breath and looked up at him. Jyushimatsu seemed as though he was in deep thought since he didn't wear a smile on his face and his mouth was closed. Jyushi just looked up in the sky. This often happens with him, as he occasionally thinks about life, who he is and why he is what they call a 'Jyushimatsu'. In the corner of his eye, the sunshine man noticed Karamatsu and doesn't hesitate to greet him.

"Ah! Welcome back Karamatsu-niisan!" He exclaimed, his smile is back on his face. Karamatsu smiled back at him, Jyushi's smile is always contagious.

"Hello my little Jyushimatsu! Say, what are you doing up there?" Kara asks curiously. To that, Jyushi jumped off and landed on his feet infront of Karamatsu. How? Because it's Jyushimatsu.

"I was thinking about words that mean what they literally are. It's pretty cool!" He exclaimed with his hands up in the air. Kara tilts his head in slight confusion.

"Eh? What do you mean?" He asks, going up to the front door with his little brother. "Well you know a baseball is called a baseball because it's a ball and in baseball there are bases. Just like a waterfall is called a waterfall because the water falls! A fly because it flies, a bicycle because there are two wheels..." And at this point Jyushi just went on and on as they entered the living room to see the rest of his brothers.

"Hey you guys! Where did ya go? Did you get some food??" Osomatsu jumps up from reading a comic book and skipped towards them. Kara and Jyushi both shook their heads.

"Jyushimatsu was here the whole time Osomatsu-niisan! He was on the roof. I dont know about Karamatsu-niisan though." Totty said, not looking up from his phone. "...kinda dont really care either." He mutters.

Osomatsu just turned around, sulking and just flopped on the ground, "Aahhhh I want food!!! I'm hungryyyy!" He whines in a baby-like voice.

"What are you, two??" Choromatsu huffed in annoyance, "If you're so hungry then go and make something to eat yourself". Osomatsu is now laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling with a bored expression "Nahhh I'm too lazy for that."

Classic Osomatsu.

Choromatsu rolled his eyes and got back to reading a book about taxes. Or is he really reading it? We'll never know.

It went a little silent, and to Karamatsu, this was the perfect time to mention where he was, "Actually I went to-" "Now that you mention it, where's Ichimatsu-niisan? I haven't seen him all day." Totty mentioned, looking around. It went silent again.

"...I'm right here" a tired voice said. Everyone shifts their gaze to the corner of the room to see Ichimatsu sitting, hugging his legs to his chest.

Osomatsu sits up with a cheeky grin, "Oh, there you are! Ichima-chan! Make me a sandw-"

"No." Ichi firmly said. "Yea I thought so, you'd probably poison it..." Oso said looking away. Ichimatsu smiled slightly, "Yup." He said. He wouldn't, but he doesn't want to get up and do anything.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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