Chapter 1

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Frida Suarez sighed in relief as she made it on to the bus that would take her back to Miracle City. Her home town, the place she had left behind seven years ago to run off with her boyfriend at the time Django of the Dead right after high school. They had planned to become a professional singing duo but while the crowds didn't like his singing they loved hers and that made him angry and jealous so he started beating her. The final straw was when he tried to rape her one night, she escaped by knocking him out with his own guitar and then used all the money she had saved to buy a bus ticket back to Miracle City. She was twenty-five now, still young and still able to fix her broken life. When the bus stopped at the destination she took her bags and went to get a room somewhere for the night.

"Hello can I help you?" A woman at the front desk of a motel asked.

"Yeah do you have a room open?" She asked.

"We do."

"Great but listen I can't pay you right now but I will. I promise I just need to get some."

"Do you have a credit card?"


"Then I can't let you stay."

"Please! I promise I will get you the money."

"I'm sorry ma'am but if you have no cash or credit I can't let you stay so good day."

Frida blew and left the motel. She went to the park where she looked for the most decent looking bench and began trying to make a bed out of it.

"Whatcha doin?" A voice asked behind her.

She turned around to see a little girl about six years old looking at her. She had black hair and very pale skin but her eyes were this soft, warm brown color that looked very familiar to her.

"Hey kid where'd you come from?" She asked.


"Well shouldn't you go back to school?"

"No school's over."

"Then shouldn't you go home?"

"I was bored so I went here. What are you doing?"

"Well I'm making my bed."

"You sleep outside?"

"As of now apparently."

"That's sounds like camping."

"I wouldn't say that."

"What's your name?"


"I'm Alexa. Why is your hair blue?"

"Because I like it that way."

"You're pretty are you a mom?"

"No I don't have kids and speaking of moms where's yours?"

The little girl frowned and looked sad.

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