Chapter 2

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"So what did we learn today?" Manny said as he carried his daughter home on top of his shoulders.

"Don't leave the school until you come to pick me up." Alexa said.

"Right and why is that?"

"Because I could get hurt or lost or taken."

"Right again now remember that okay?"

"I will."

He opened the door to their apartment and went inside only to find his ex girlfriend and Alexa's mother waiting for them. During high school Manny and Zoe had started dating but they broke up because he caught her cheating on him with one of the Golden Eagle twins, Carlito. Then later found out she was pregnant with his child and she tried to have an abortion but Manny stopped her unfortunately when Alexa was a baby, Zoe dropped her off at Manny's place.

"Alexa go upstairs to your room." Manny said.


"Just do it."

She did as she was told and went to her room leaving her parents alone.

"Today's my day to visit." She said.

"Right I forgot."

"Good now if you'll excuse me."

She went upstairs into Alexa's room. An hour later she came back down and got ready to leave.

"You know she can't read right?" She said applying black lipstick. "I asked her to read me one of her books and she could hardly read the first word. God is she dumb?"

"Zoe why the hell do you keep visiting us?" Manny snapped.

"To see my baby."

"Oh don't give me that crap. Like you give a damn about her."

"I do."

"No you don't! You always insult her and talk to her like she's an idiot. You never cared about her and you never wanted her! You would've aborted her if me and your mother hadn't of stopped you. And when she was born you dumped her in a box at my place!"

"I was going through a very emotional time."


"You have no right to keep her from me."

"I sure as hell do."

"I'm her mother."

"You didn't seem to care about that when you dumped her here."

"Oh and you're such a good father? I did my research that hero business of yours keeps you real busy so much so that one time you left her home alone and she accidentally started a fire."

"That was three years ago and I had a baby sitter who happened to think getting coffee was more important than watching my daughter."

"I have a right to see her."

"Not while I'm alive."

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