Chapter 23- Envy

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"The Central Park is down the street, you'll go straight, turn left, then you should be able to see the park." Jake points and directs the tourist. The tourist thanked with a cheerful smile, following the directions Jake has given to him.

"Where I was on?" Jake turns back to Taylor and asked.

"About Aaron and Ari?" Taylor questioned.

"Oh yeah, Ari was actually Aaron's 'Fake Dad' for once." Jake said.

"How?" Taylor was pretty much confused, curious about what in the world is a fake dad.

"So I've told you Aaron was an accident to his parents, they never wanted him. So when Aaron's born, his dad wasn't there, but instead Ari was there to support his mom, as a friend. After he was born, Aaron's mom escaped the from the hospital and leave Aaron alone at the hospital when he was like only 2-day year-old. That's why Aaron detested his parents so much. His life is like a staged and segue drama series, the hospital called for Aaron's mom but for sure no response, so they called Ari, who was there together with Aaron when he's born, and Ari picked him up and took care of him for several weeks with his mother's assistance before handing him back to his grandparents, that's why he was the 'Pretending Dad'." Jake said.

"Very dramatic, and grief." Taylor uttered with a sigh.

"To be honest I am a devoted fan of you so maybe I can get a sneak peek of your new single coming up soon?" Jake whispered to prevent random people overhead his essential question.

"It's top secret you knew it." Taylor chuckled and teased Jake,

"Maybe you will find hints sometimes in our conversation."

"Oh come on!" Jake japed while raising his hands.




"Do you like it?" Josh asked while admiring how beautiful Karlie is in her brand new blue dress.

"Of course I do! If not I wouldn't have bought it!" Karlie chortled, and spins around like a little princess.

"Where do you want to go next?" Josh asked.

"Anywhere." Karlie grins while gazing into Josh's eyes.

"Then let's go to the outskirts! We can have a picnic or like a little hike at the countryside." Josh suggested with a hype. Karlie shown her agreement on his idea with a gentle nod, Josh outstretch his hand near Karlie's, softly touched her back of the hand when he reached, he held Karlie's hand naturally without a back glance to Karlie, she did the same to Josh's palm with a gentle squeeze, smiling.




"Ouch! My hand." Taylor shakes her hand after she felt an extraordinary shock passing through her palm.

"What happened?" Jake asked after seeing Taylor's reaction.

"It's like somebody has squeezed my hand, in an appalling and in-romantic way." Taylor described her uncanny notion.

"Huh?" Jaked necessitated again.

"I'm never saying those things again, they're very stupid, I am superior intellect, so no boy." Taylor jested while flicking her gleaming hair.

Taylor's phone rings after Taylor finished her sentence, she picks it up with a playful tone after joking with Jake.

"Moshi moshi? (It is japanese, which means 'Hello' in English)" Taylor greeted in Japanese with her cute little American accent.

I Don't Want You Like A Best Friend|✔️ -Kaylor/(GirlXGirl) StoryWhere stories live. Discover now