Chapter 2

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AN: hi guys! I apologize that this is just now getting onto the Internet. My school year has been hectic for the past 3 weeks, but you guys will live. PLUS, since the app lets you update, you might actually get updates faster. By the way, thank you do much for reading my story. It means a lot.

So anywhoo... love you lots!

<3 regan!


Chapter 2

Rosie's POV

"Rosie. Rrrooosssiiieeee." Brad was chanting as he waved something in my face. I opened my eyes slightly. Where am i? And that was when it all came flooding back to me. He wanted me to perform in front of a lot of people. And I fainted. How perfessional.

"brad? What are you waving in my face? And why does it smell like chocolate?" I stated. It sounded kind of slurred, but I didn't care. "it is chocolate, and if you don't get up you can't have any." and with that I was up on my feet within seconds and I swiped the bar from his hands, and had it within my jaw. It tasted of heaven. "brad, haven't I told you before to not give me the good chocolate? But yet you never listen." I was really trying to avoid his previous question, but he just looked at me and sighed. "what am I going to do with you?" I looked at him for a moment then said with the straightest face possible: "hopefully nothing unmoral or illegal."

"Rosie, sarcasm is not your best idea of the moment. I personally believe you should be kissing the ground I walk on and begging for this job." and so I fell back to the ground and shouted while bowing "I am not worthy!" and at that point I had received a smack upside the head.

"seriously though Rosie, this is probably one of the biggest chances in your lifetime to become famous. I know how you play. You are really good at improvising right off, making you a better live performer, and you take direction well. When Simon had called me, I automatically thought of you. I feel as if I have become on of your parents, and that it has become my responsibility to make sure you are well off. If you don't take this opportunity, I feel as if it won't come back around. So what do ya say? Will you do it?" he had said that with so much confidence that I think he was telling the truth. But am I ready for this? "hey brad? I know this is a great opportunity and all, but I need to think before I make this decision. Can I call you tonight?" He pondered this for a moment then said: "alright. I need to know by 9 tonight. Because the band will be here tomorrow to meet the musician, which I hope will be you. Ok?"

"ok. Oh and brad?"


"what's the name of the band???" he thought for a moment then said.

"you know, I don't actually remember the name. But that isn't important. Alright that's all I wanted you here for today. You go and think ok?" I thought for a moment then said ok and left. I hopped into my bug, turned on the radio and began to sing along. The dj interrupted my jam saying "AAANNNDDD that was what makes you beautiful by one direction! Fun fact for you listeners, did you know they get in town for their US tour tomorrow? Anyways. Here's Some Nights by fun." I love this song. With a burning passion. So what did I do? I turned the music as high as it would go, unrolled the windows and sang my heart out.

About 5 songs and a commercial break later, I was pulling up into the driveway. I hopped, skipped and jumped out of the car and into the apartment. I opened the door and heard Allison from her room shouting. "ROMEO ROMEO. WHERE YOU AT ROMEO?" I slammed the door making sure she heard me. "Rosie, is that you?"

"no, it's the muffin man." I stated. "really? Do you have a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin??" she said as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. "sorry Allison. Tough muffins. I am fresh out." "damn. I wanted a muffin." she can be so dorky sometimes. "so what was that piece you were working on in the office?" we had converted the office room into a dance studio with my keyboard and her desk. "it's called Verona shores. Its a take on Romeo and Juliet as if they were from new jersey and on an episode of jersey shore. But the better question is, why are you home so early?" and now this was it. Do I tell her or do I lie. She would personally have me murdered if I lied so here we go. "uuummmmm. Brad had a job assignment for me and he wanted me to think it over." she stared at me like I was speaking pig Latin. "um. Why think it over? What kind of a project is it?" it was now or never. "he wants me to go on your with some band this summer." she stare at me dumbfounded until I saw all of the pieces connect inside her head and as they did, it set off a reaction of jumping up and down and screaming! "my friends gonna be famous!"

"wait. Hold it one second. I..."


"Are you five?"

"most nights, I don't know... ANYMORRE!!!"

"anyways, I didn't tell him yes yet." she stared at me like I had a third eye. "and why the heck not?" "because I don't know if I'm ready to be famous."

She stared blankly at me for a minute, then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the office. She dragged me to our bulletin board and pointed to the dream section on it. It had me playing a piano photoshopped onto a picture of the middle of new York. She looked at me and said "you have been dreaming of this your entire life. This is a once in a lifetime chance. What of this is our only chance at one of us becoming famous? You deserve to be on posters of the music nerds all over the world. I don't want to be the friend of the giver upper. I want to be the friend of the winner! So what do you say?" I stared at her for a moment. I have never heard so many words come out of her mouth without it being scripted. So I pulled out my phone, went to contacts, and tapped brad. It rang twice and then he picked up.

"hello Brad Ellis." I took a deep breath. "Hey Brad, it's Rosie. Where do I meet the band tomorrow?"


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