Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Drago Bloodfist was leading the dragon hunters guarding the Night fury in the cage. "Why it's the Night fury, what's he doing here and how the quiznak did Drago Bloodfist survived?" I asked in a whisper. "Now is not the time for asking questions Lady Lizthelion. For now we have to come up with a plan to get rid of the evil beings and free the Night fury, and I have 1. That's if you're willing to trust me." Jet-Vac said. "I am willing to trust you more than ever." I said. "Ok, here's the plan." Jet-Vac said and he explain the plan to me and I understand the plan and move through the bush. "Who's there? Show yourself!" 1 of the dragon hunters said and I came out of the bush. "Well, if it isn't Drago Bloodfist and his men." I said. "How do you even...?" Drago Bloodfist asked and I interrupted by saying "I watched you guys from this world and thought that you were dead." I said. "Figures." Drago Bloodfist said. "So what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh you know just roaming around." Drago Bloodfist said. "Roaming around?" I asked "Roaming around." Drago Bloodfist said. "Attacking my home?" I asked. "Attacking your home?" Drago Bloodfist asked. "Are you?" I asked. "No." Drago Bloodfist said. "Good because that would've been bad." I said. "How bad?" Drago Bloodfist asked. "I have to kill you along with your comrades." I said. "That's bad." Drago Bloodfist said. "Indeed. Nice dragon you got in the cage there" I said. "Yeah, it's just a Night fury, and nothing else." Drago Bloodfist said. "Yeah I know what kind of dragon that is, stupid." I said muttering the last part. "So, can I help you?" Drago Bloodfist asked. "No, but maybe I can help you." I said placing my hand on the side of his face. "Uh, I need a adult." Drago Bloodfist said. "I am a adult." I said and I beat Drago Bloodfist up and he was down on the ground and I give out a whistle as the signal and my comrades come out and start attacking on the dragon hunters. While that's happening I went to the cage that contained the Night fury and the Night fury was looking at me in curiosity and desperate. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of here." I said hoping to earn the Night fury's trust. "Cataclysm." I said powering up the attack. then I touch the cage and the cage broke apart and the Night fury was free and unharmed and the Night fury went into the tall grass. However I noticed that the end of the Night fury's tail was prosthetic before the night fury went to the tall grass and I looked around and noticed that the dragon hunters were down to the ground in defeat. I walked to Drago Bloodfist who is still on the ground in defeat and just looked at him. "By the way my comrades and I did that because I have a grudge against you and Grimmel the Grisly. So take that. Alright guys let's get on out of here." I said and me and my comrades were heading out of the tall grass.

Meanwhile in the North direction.

My comrades and I walked out of the tall grass after we free the Night fury while unknowingly the same Night fury that I free, rather be known as Toothless was secretly hiding behind the tall grass that is behind me along with the Light fury and the 3 Night Lights. "Alright guys the plan worked. Good work everyone. Glad that Jet-Vac's plan worked." I said. "Well, I'm glad that you pulled it off and we're proud to say that the Night fury was free and Drago Bloodfist is defeated. Good job everyone, especially you Lady Lizthelion or um what should I called you in this form?" Jet-Vac asked and I think about it and decided to come up with a perfect hero name. "How about Catbug Noir." I said. "That hero name was perfect. Anyway good job Catbug Noir, you did a great job defeating Drago Bloodfist and freeing the Night fury." Jet-Vac said. "Thanks, however I noticed something, right before the Night fury went into the tall grass I noticed that the end of the Night fury's tail was prosthetic." I said. "Really, are you sure that the end of the Night fury's tail was prosthetic?" Layne the Fox asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm positive. I literally saw that the end of the Night fury's tail was prosthetic. The only Night fury that had a prosthetic tail was Toothless, but let's not jump to conclusions shall we." I said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Question, weren't you suppose to change back?" Mai Valentine asked. "Ah you're right Mai, thank you for reminding me. I gotta change back." I said getting ready to change back. "Tikki, Plagg, divide." I said and I transform back into ladybug themed superhero. "Tikki, spots off." I said and I transform back to normal. I went into the bag and grab the snacks to feed the Kwamis. I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie for Tikki and a slice of camembert for Plagg. "Here guys eat up." I said giving Tikki a chocolate chip cookie and giving Plagg a slice of camembert. "Even though I used one of your powers. I just wanna keep you guys fed so that you guys won't starve when we travel." I said and Tikki took a bite of the cookie little by little. While Plagg ate the entire slice of camembert. "Thank you for feeding us. It seems that you know what to do when it comes to taking care of the Kwamis, huh?" Tikki asked and I nodded. "Yep, I've been watching the both of you and I know what are you likes and dislikes. So yeah." I said. "Lady Lizthelion, now that we have defeated Drago Bloodfist, free the Night fury, you have change back and feed the Kwamis, what do we do now?" Jet-Vac asked. "I think that it is time for the Pink Alicorns to escort Mai Valentine, Serenity Wheeler, and Duke Devlin home." I said and I turn to the Pink Alicorns. "Ok, nice job on protecting Mai Valentine and Serenity Wheeler and helping me out on investigating on the activity going on in the tall grass. Nice work Pink Alicorns. Now I want you to escort Mai Valentine, Serenity Wheeler, and Duke Devlin home and help Rainbowfur the Alicorn, Toni the Unicorn, and River the Green Cat on making dinner." I said. "Yes ma'am." The Pink Alicorns said. "Mai Valentine, Serenity Wheeler, and Duke Devlin, I want you to go with them, they know the way to my place, which is the Lionwolf's den apartment. I'll come to you when I found every single member of the search party and found Reshiram. For now I'm gonna stay here and wait on the call from the others." I said. "Ok, come on girls head to her place. Oh by the way Lizthelion, thank you and good luck on finding Reshiram." Duke Devlin said. "Follow us." Double Trouble said and the Pink Alicorns went home with Mai Valentine, Serenity Wheeler, and Duke Devlin in tow.

Meanwhile in the Northeast direction.

The Black Cats are searching for either Yugi Muto's friends, Yugi Muto's grandfather and anyone who is here and anyone who is here in the search party for me. "Do you think that we had a chance of finding someone here?" Pop Fizz asked. "Of course we had a chance of finding them and we also have a chance of succeeding the search mission. Don't you worry. Now come on we had a job to do." Manthak the Cougar said. "Let's do this." Dune Bug said and they went on and continue with the search. While they went out on the search. Dune Bug spotted Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella. "Hey guys, I spotted someone over there" Dune Bug said pointing in that direction of where he spotted Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella and they were cornered by Kaos' minions. "Well it's Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella and it looks like they were cornered by Kaos' minions. Quick go and protect Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella while I call Lizthelion Immediately." Manthak the Cougar said. "Yes Ma'am." Everyone in the Black Cats said and they went to protect Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella while Manthak the Cougar went and made a call to me.

Meanwhile in the North Direction.

Me and my comrades were on stand by and Tikki had just finished eating the cookie. When I got a phone call and I answer the call "Hello." I said answering the phone. "Lizthelion of the White Lions. This is Manthak the Cougar of the Black Cats. Me and my team had found Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella and they were cornered by Kaos' minions. I manage to send my team over to protect Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella over." Manthak the Cougar said on the phone. "Nice work Manthak the Cougar. Now go join the others and protect Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella. Spyro, Jet-Vac, Tikki, Plagg and I will be over there as fast as we can." I said on the phone. "Roger that Lizthelion." Manthak the Cougar said and I hang up the phone. "Did one of your groups found someone?" Plagg asked. "Yeah that was Manthak the Cougar of the Black Cats. She told me that the Black Cats have found Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella. However they were cornered by Kaos' minions. Luckily the Black Cats manage to go and protect Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella. Now we must go over to the Black cat group Immediately." I said. "Question do you know which direction that there at?" Tikki asked. "Yep they're in the Northeast direction. Which means that we have to come back to the Lionwolf's den apartment and head Northeast. Now have you guys fed?" I asked and the Kwamis nodded. "Then let's go." I said and we ran as fast as we could to the Lionwolf's den apartment and head in the Northeast direction. Unknown to me and my comrades. Toothless, the Light fury, and the 3 Night Lights decided to follow me and my comrades and they were followed by Mew.

Meanwhile in the Northeast direction.

The Black Cats were protecting Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella that they were in the protection circle from Kaos' minions when Manthak the Cougar come and join the group. "Is she on her way?" Pop Fizz asked. "Yep she is on her way. Don't worry." Manthak the Cougar said and Right before Professor Utonium asked. One of Kaos' minions was about to pounce on them. Then I jumped over the Black Cats, Professor Utonium, and Mrs. Bella and beat Kaos' minions one by one with Spyro and Jet-Vac right by my side and join the fight. Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella were shocked and awe by my appearance and they shook it off after I beat the last of Kaos' minions. "Woo Hoo. Nice work Black Cats. You did a really good job on protecting them." I said. "Thanks ma'am." The Black Cats said. "I have 1 question, who are you?" Professor Utonium asked. "I'm Lizthelion." I said and Professor Utonium and Mrs. Bella were shocked that I'm Lizthelion. 

Lizthelion Book 1: The Beginning Reshiram version Where stories live. Discover now