Chapter 6

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Sonic's P.O.V.
As I ran on the forest smiling and looking around, not really noticing where the wind was taking me, until I noticed a huge empty field, with a tree sitting alone close on a small hill. I felt my heart break. This was the place I had last seen Shadow, unfortunately, it was a fight between us, I can still remember the anger and pain in his eyes.


Narrators P.O.V. - 2 Years Ago
Sonic was running around the forest, trying to clear his mind from the fight he had with Amy, she was bothering him to go out with him, but of course Sonic declined, since he didn't want to be in a relationship.

He sighed quietly and stopped on the huge field, he hadn't seen that before, so he wanted to explore this place

"How come I haven't seen this place before?" He mumbled to himself as he looked around. He stopped in his tracks and smiled brightly when he saw a certain black hedgehog laying on the branch of a tree that was sitting alone in the middle of the field.

"Hi Shad!" Sonic said excitedly when he dashed under the branch. Shadow tensed up at the sudden noise and glared at the hedgehog under him.

"Don't call me that Faker." He said growling lowly, he seemed really irritated and annoyed, a lot more than usual.

Sonic noticed that and climbed on the tree and tried to sit next to Shadow, but he didn't make space for the Sonic. Sonic shrugged and climbed higher and sat on the branch on top of the one Shadow was sitting at.

"What's up with you today?" Sonic chuckled softly and grabbed a leaf then started messing with it.

Shadow groaned quietly and rolled his eyes. "That's none of your business Faker." He growled louder and was about to leave, but Sonic hung upside down from the branch and grabbed Shadow's arm.

"You've been very distant lately, more than you usually are. Did something happen?" Sonic asked with worry in his voice, which surprised Shadow, he shook his head not showing any emotions and roughly snatched his hand away from Sonic. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm always like this." He growled and was about to get off, but Sonic grabbed his other hand and made him look at him.

"You're even more distant, tell me what's wrong? I won't judge." Sonic smiled softly at Shadow, making him lightly blush, thankfully it wasn't visible. He growled and pushed Sonic away from him.

Sonic gasped and fell from the tree, grabbing Shadow's leg as a reflex. They both fell on their heads and groaned, but Shadow growled furiously at Sonic. "What the hell Faker!! Are you out of your mind?" He stood up and tightened his fists.

Sonic lowered his eyes and slowly stood up, he felt bad for hurting Shadow, but it also hurt him when he shouted at him, since he always had feelings for him, but never told anyone, afraid of the others' reaction.

"It's not my fault you pushed me off!" Sonic protested, trying to calm Shadow. "I'm sorry." He rubbed his head in pain.

Shadow rolled his eyes and dusted himself off. "You're so freaking annoying..! No wonder so many people hate you." He mumbled and turned around ready to take off.

Sonic dropped his ears. "What do you mean by that..?" He tried not to sound hurt.

Shadow glared at Sonic. "Exactly what I said, you are so annoying sometimes! You keep bugging me as if I'll ever be friends with you! Do you ever wonder how many people hate you to death?! How many people want you to disappear from their lives?! Have you asked me if I ever wanted to be your friend?! No! You just want to be 'positive' and try to make others like you, but guess what? Life isn't all about you! Just leave me alone!" He panted softly fuming with anger and hatred.

Sonic stayed quiet staring at Shadow with his ears dropped and his heart broken, he tried to fight back tears but few ran down his cheeks. "Is that really what you think of me...?" His voice broke but he didn't care at this point.

Shadow lowered his ears slightly and looked at Sonic with wide eyes, he shook his head and quickly dashed away, not saying a word, leaving Sonic alone and hurt.


Sonic's P.O.V. - Present
I snapped out of my thoughts and found myself right under the tree, with tears threatening to start rolling down my cheeks, I sobbed softly as I slowly climbed the tree and sat on the same branch Shadow was at, I bit my lip roughly trying not to break down and start crying, but my feelings got the best of me, I hugged my legs and hid my face as I cried quietly.

"Why did you always hate me...?" I mumbled as I cried louder "I just wanted to be your friend..." 

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