The Crow

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After sitting in the back of a cop car for about three minutes, we were all at school. As soon as the male officer I was riding with parked, I bolted out of the car at full speed. One of the teachers saw me outside and they opened the door. "What on earth are you doing outside?" Asked a new teacher. She was young, just got the job recently, lavender hair, African American, and she had bright blue eyes that would capture your soul. "Our bus crashed..." I mumbled. "Oh I'm sorry for you! Are you okay?" She asked as she closed the door behind me. "Yeah I'm fine..." "Did you at least get your back pack...?" Asked our principal (Mr. Hibin) who came out of LITERALLY nowhere. My eyes widened. My back pack was still on the bus. "Look sir, I'm really sorry!! I was in a rush and I didn't want to die!!" I slowly tried walking away, but he stopped me with his arm. "Ask your teachers what you should do..." He moved his arm and I booked it up the stairs to my class. "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!!!" He yelled. I then busted into my class. "You're late...?" My teacher looked concerned as I slumped into my seat, still partly soaked. This was third period (yeah, we were that late) with Ms. Delaney. Ms. Delaney is very nice and understanding of everything, which I'm glad is so. "Ms. Delaney..." I slowly raised my hand. "Yes...?" "All my stuff is drowning in a lake..." "Oh, that's alright! All the stuff I've given you so far is I'll give you an extra copy!" Ms. Delaney grinned as she opens her drawer and pulled out three papers and slid them onto my desk. "Thank you..." I mumbled as the class began to walk out. "Is class already over!?" My eyes widened as I looked at Ms. Delaney. "Yes, yes it is..." She began to sort papers on her desk. Oh gosh. Mr. Beal is next. I thought to myself as I slowly got up from my seat with my papers, exiting the room.

"Where is your binder...?" Mr. Beal hissed as I sat down. "It's at the bottom of a lake..." I mumbled. "You threw your binder into a lake? Pathetic." "Wait! No no no no! Our bus crashed and now my binder is in the lake-!" "Telling lies now? I always knew your were a worthless piece of sh-..." Mr. Beal stopped as the lady that let me in stepped into his classroom. THANK GOODNESS! I thought. "Jason..." She said calmly. "Mr. Hibin told me to break some bad news to you..." "What? What is it? It better be GOOD..." He snapped. "You...are...fired..." She said slowly. I grinned so wide my face began to hurt. "WHAT!? WELL...UH...." Mr. Beal was struggling for words. "WHO WILL REPLACE ME THEN!?" He said with a nervous smirk. "I will!" She said, smiling kindly. Mr. Beal scoffed. "How long have you been teaching then???" He asked firmly. "This will be my first year sir, now shoo." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHOO!?" "I mean, get out of my classroom..." She pointed at the door. "You're going to have to give me time to pack up my stuff then!" He said with a smirk as he bent down behind his desk. "Oh, no worries..." She swiftly walked over to his desk and proceeded to throw all his stuff on to his desk. " am I going to carry it then?" Mr. Beal asked, now knowing that she was serious about him leaving. "Oh don't worry..." She then grabbed a medium sized cardboard box (for school supplies) and shoved all of his stuff into the boxed and shoved it into his arms. "There ya go..." She grinned. Mr. Beal scoffed as he grabbed the box and shoved his way past her. "Now that that's over," She adjusted her collar. "Hello, I am Mrs. Crolom, your new mathematics teacher."

We spent the entire class learning about each other and what we like. It was actually quiet fun! I didn't have to do any math! "Okay guys, do you want to eat lunch outside?" Mrs. Crolom asked us all. All of us screamed "YES!!" And she got up and grabbed her walkie talkie. "Okay then, let's go!" I grabbed my old lunchbox from the lost in the classroom box (which I thankful left in there yesterday before I got a chance to eat it) and walked out of the classroom with everyone else. Meat. Oh gosh not this again. "What do you want? I whispered to myself." Meat. Mrs. Crolom opened the door and let us all outside. Far left table. I slowly turned to the left to see an old wooden table. Far left table. I slowly walked over and sat down, gently putting down my lunchbox just in case it broke. I opened my box to see a salad. MEAT. I began to smell a fowl odor of something that was probably dead. I covered my nose, but then it started to smell good. Get it. I looked to my right to see if anyone was looking, and nobody was even facing this direction. I slide off the bench and onto the ground, crawling over to what seemed to be a dying crow. Eat it. I tried to fight it, I really did, but I couldn't help it. It's like I lost control of my own body. My hands sprung forward and snatched up the dying crow. My hands covered it's beak and then it happened. My hands shoved the crow into my mouth. Then it feels like I lost control of my face. My mouth began chomping down on the crow like there was no tomorrow, but my mouth kept it quiet as well. When I regained control of my body, I immediately dropped the left wing (which was all that was left) and tried to rub the blood off my face. I then looked down at why sweater. Thank GOD it was red. The blood blended in perfectly! I grabbed some baby wipes from my lunch and rub my face and hands aggressively, leaving red rashes. "Everything okay over there?" OH GOD IT'S MRS. CROLOM! "Yeah yeah I'm fine!" I stood up and tried to keep the crow hidden behind me. "Is that a dead crow?" She pointed behind me. THINK FAST!! "Yeah yeah...I tried to save it but a fox came a tried to eat most of it. I only managed to save the wing." "Awe, such a shame. I was always fond of crows. Well it's time to go inside. Come on." She grinned as she turned around to head for the entrance.

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