Dark Steve x Badass!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Hey there, name's (Y/n) and I live in the Rainbow town with my buddies: Sabre who's cool, Rainbow Steve who's childish but fun to hang out with and Lucas who's kind of an idiot but good to have him around and talk about stuff.

I've lived in the Rainbow town for about a month and even tho it's really bright it's nice and has a welcoming feeling if that makes sense. I'm not really into bright colours but it's fine and I prefer dark places that are peaceful and quite so you probably know that I love night time.

In case you were wondering, yes I know who Dark Steve is and he has attacked me but since I am very skilled the boys send me to his base to look through his plans so we can easily defeat him.

Tho there is this one thing that I can never let my friends know......I have a crush on Dark Steve.

Before you start saying anything hear me out. I'm known as the badass of this town and Dark Steve is a bad boy which is totally my type but I push those feelings away because I don't want to betray my friends and I don't like that Dark Steve wants to hurt them so I never tell nor show that I like him. At least I have my secret dairy where I can write all of my thoughts and feelings which is very nice.

One day as I was looking for my dairy it wasn't in the spot I always hid it at. I thought that I placed it somewhere and forgot to put it back so I looked all over my room making a mess but no dairy. I then had that scary thought that one of the boys might have took it so I asked all of them if they saw my dairy or well....I didn't say dairy I asked if they they saw a notebook with the first letter of my name but their answer was no which was a good thing because they didn't know anything but it was also a bad thing because I don't know where it is and if they do find it then I fear the worst.

"You'll have to search for it later (Y/n) cause we'll need you to go to Dark Steve's base again." Sabre told me.
"Ok but if you find it don't look in it" I told them as they gave me a confused and a bit if suspicious look but nodded as I let a silent sigh of relief.

I grabbed what I needed and waved at my friends before going to Dark's base.

I eventually got there and it was as creepy and dark looking as ever. I sneaked over to his office's window and picked inside, sure enough he was there writing something on a piece of paper as other laid on his desk. When he put all of them in a file and in one of his drawers he got up and walked out of the office.

I quietly opened the window and jumped in. I opened the drawer he put the file in and took it out before looking through it. Apparently I got too distracted and when I heard him being right outside the door as panicked and ran to the window but before I could jump out he walked in and so me. When he did he narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth at me.

I quickly jumped out of the window and bolted back to the town with him flying after me. Due the him flying he was much faster than so he easily caught me and turned me around to face him.

"So you're the one that's been sneaking in my office" he said with a bitter tone, his low and dark voice sending chills down my spine.

I finally found the courage to kick him away taking him by surprise. I had no choice but to fight and do enough damage to him so I have time to reach the town. I took out my iron sword and got ready to fight as he chuckled and flew in the air.

He started shooting fireballs at me as I deflected them back at him with my sword or dodged with my acrobatic skills. Once he saw that this trip wouldn't work he tried to trap me using giant bubbles of coal but I couldn't get me.

He eventually had enough of this and launched at me but I kicked him when he got close enough. He glared daggers at me but it didn't affect me as a stood my ground.

"I got to say that you're stronger than you look" he...complimented me? No, I'm sure it's just a trick to get my guard down but that won't happen.
"That's the point. You let others think you're weak and stupid before proving them wrong and beating them up" I told him.

He stood up and teleported in front of me then snatched me sword and threw it away taking by surprise. I had my fists up and went to punch him but he caught my fist in a tight hold that I couldn't get my fist off so I went to punch him with my other fist tho I got the same result.

"Let me go!" I yelled at him while trying to free my fists.

Instead of letting me go he pinned me to a tree and gave me a grin.
"No can do dear. For sneaking in my office and ruining my plans every time I will have to punish you~" he purred making me blush a small bit.

I was confused as to what punishment this guy has for me but I found out when he kissed me...right...on..the...lips.

I will admit that I loved it but it was wrong at the same time because I felt like I was betraying my friends.

He didn't pull away until I needed air and after catching my breath I kicked him in the privates making him fall on his knees and groan in pain. He gave me a glare but his eyes widened when I tackled him and kissed with even more passion. A second after I did that he kissed back wrapping an arm around my waist and the other at the back of my neck.

I felt him lick my lip but I denied making him growl and me giggle tho that turned into a gasp when he squeezed my hips. Taking advantage of my parted lips he slipped his tongue in my mouth and touched every nook and cranny in my mouth as I moaned quietly.

He flipped me around so he was on top of me and pulled away before attacking my neck, kissing and nippling all over as I giggled. Once he found what he was looking for I arched my back and moaned. He abused that spot until there was a dark bruise while I moaned.

After that was over he got off me and helped me up. I'll say that I loved all of this but it's still wrong.

"Dark this isn't right. You're evil and want to destroy my friends while I want to protect them. How is this going to work?" I asked him with a sad tone.
"That's easy dear, I will join you" he replied as I looked at him in shock.

He gave me a smile and I could see that he was telling the truth. I smiled widely and hugged him tightly in happiness as he returned the hug.

This was the best day of my life tho.....I'll have to convince the boys to give Dark a chance and not start another fight.


Requested by Stargesor and MelissaC2000 so I hope you like it and that you enjoyed it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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