Matthew and you

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The reason he made me depressed was because he made me feel distant from you. He separated me from reality...I felt like he was the only one there at the moment. Then I would remember you and feel sad. I felt like I wouldn't be able to keep my friendship with you...Like we we're gonna break up (which we did :/). I wanted to keep everything we always be there for each other...never those two best friends that everyone talks about like we're never separated. I wanna go to the bathroom and watch vine and come back 15 minutes later with everyone wondering where we went.(This isn't much about Matthew.....Oh well). But I felt like I was to needy, annoying you, I felt like I wouldn't be able to keep the friendship, and that turned out to be true. I wanna go on the field trip and watch vine and laugh so hard that the teachers name animals after us, have you showing me pictures on instagram, and especially you bringing gummy worms. I wanna talk like we having seen each other in years, but we can't, it feels impossible for any of that to happen again. I now feel like I get in your way and it makes me feel sad....But when we do have those happy inside joke moments I feel happy..Like nothing can stop me from doing what I want.

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