One Week Til Seventeen

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Great. My dad is making have a party.

He says I need friends. I really don't. My dad even wants me to invite the most POPULAR girls at my school! Like they'd ever come.After he had said that he left for work,I left for a walk at the same time throught slender forest.

Smile dog found me and just walked next to me. "He smile. I'm stuck having to invite stupid popular girls to a party I don't want. I hate it. Damn father.."  Smile just seemed to quiet. He's still next to me but he was acting weird. Listening to something then i heard it slightly. Something was moving around near me. "Who's there?!" I wasn't scared I was angry if somebody was following me. Then Jeff came out of hiding. "So this is where you were smile!" SMile runs over to Jeff. "Hi Jeff. Done any good killing lately?"

Yes I'm actually friends with him. Jeff seems rude and not nice. Well he's just grumpy.. 24/7. I help Jeff take care of Smile. The here comes little miss Sally and Slenderman. If I didn't say this earlier. I'm friends with the creepypasta's they protect me. No matter what. If something was about to happen to me like rape or kidnapping I am suppose to run to the forest which I have had to do once.

Anyway I'm getting off track. I picked up Sally hugging her she hugged back. "Sarah! I missed you! Happy early birthday!" I have to tell slender my dad is making me have a party. "Slender um my dad is making me have my own party and having the most popular girls at my school come. Maybe Jeff could come or little sally here. I just don't want to be in a room full of snobs." I sighed as Slender took Sally from me and said "Masky and Hoodie will go in their human forms but that's it. Don't want to risk getting caught." At least some people I knew were coming. "Thanks Slender."

Eyeless Jack X Sharp Sarah(My own character)Where stories live. Discover now