Vmim- Cherry chapstick

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Taehyung wears lot's of cherry chapstick and his creepy classmate always watches him apply it.

WARNINGS: no need: a bit weird and I hate that I wrote this. Jimin is just really weird and obsessed, basically yandere. (however you spell it idk)

Also this will probably be quite short

Like Jimin.


You watched from afar as he applied more of his cherry chapstick. You faintly remember what it smelt like from when you dug out a peice of toilet paper, which he used to gently dab of the excess he put on, from within the bin a few weeks ago.

Sadly the smell had gone from it and it now was just a part of your shrine, along with a plaster he had used three weeks ago to cover a blister he got from wearing his runnimg shoes without socks for too long. There was also a half eaten apple, he never did finish the apples but left at least half, maybe he knew you would go digging for it and lick it until you ate it. There were many other objects in your shrine, like a few locks of his hair you got from the barbers after he got it cut as well as loads of photos of him.

You still remeber when he first talked to you, you were just walking through the hallways, eyes jittering back and forth between people, nervously chewing your nails even though you didn't have any left really. You knew Taehyung would come out of his English class soon, he was so smart for taking extra classes in other languages.

There was still about 5 minutes left of the lessons so you stood, back to a locker, nails in mouth, one arm aroud your school books and knee bouncing on the tip of your feet. People would stare as the walked past you, whispering about you or straight up calling you a freak to your face but ypu never cared what they thought. He never called you names. He was like an angel. No. He is an angel.

Suddenly people started to surround you and knock your things from your hand and push you around like you were some ball.

But he saved you.

"Hey! What's going on here?" He called out to the group.

"Hey, Dude. Come help us bully this freak." The main guy called to him as he pushed his way through the crowd towards the centre were you were.

"No. Bullying is wrong, Dick weed." He said. Everyone had frozen while he started to pick up your fallen books.

"Aw, Babe. Cmon it's just harmless fun." The bully continued.

"Harmless fun." He scoffs "you were litrally pushing him back and forth that isn't harmless, Jungkook." He finishes.

"baby, i'm sorry. You know i'm trying." Jungkook said as he walked towards him arms open as he engulfed him in a hug.

At this point most people had dispersed, you stood glaring at the couple. An eye brow cocked and arms folded.

He let Jungkook hold him but kept his arms folded tight over his chest. After a few minutes he began to stuggle out of the hold.

He continued to pick up your stuff and hand it back to you. "There you go, Jimin." Holy shit he knew your name.

"Thanks," You smiled and blushed as you accepted the folders and books back.

Back in the present he is still applying the chapstick. He is still with Jungkook and you need to fix that. He hasn't talked to you since the first time, only rarely giving you a small smile or head nod as he walks past.

You need to fix that.

It's the end of the day. You came in your car for a reason. Jungkook had football practise. He had extra languages and would then head out to watch Jungkook, his boyfriend, play.

You need to fix that.

Of course you wait for him. For 10 minutes in the empty hall. The bell rings for the end of his extra lesson after school and other students walk out. He comes out last. He doesn't notice you.

You need to fix that

He doesn't even notice you follow him.

You need to fix that

He's getting closer to the field and looks excited, you love that look on him.But not when it's because he wants to see and hold his boyfriend. No.

You need to fix that

And so you do.



You turn on the light that hangs limp from the ceiling, it flickers to life giving of a gentle, warm, yellow light.

A boy sits in a chair infront of you, bruised on his head and cheek. Tied up, arms to arm rests and legs to chair legs. Blindfolded.

"Hello, Taehyung."

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