#0- The Beginning

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A lonely bar on the outskirts of Beacon was empty as can be one night. Usually the place was packed, but ever since the... incident...business slowed down a lot. And the people that were there weren't exactly the best of company. Members of the White Fang took over the bar, scaring off any new customers that tried to come there.

This particular night, there were six members of the White Fang playing pool, while the rest of the bar was empty as could be.

The old bartender looked at his cash register, which was practically empty aside from his float he put in. But...why bother? The White Fang barged their way in and demanded free drinks. What else could he do anyway?

"Hey, old man!" One of the White Fang called out. "We need a few more beers for my friends over here."

The bartender scowled, getting a bucket and tossing ice and bottles into it. "Some payment would be nice."

"On the house? You're too kind..." He heard.

"I figured."

As he brought over the bucket and laid it beside the group, he heard the door open, and saw four young boys with cloaks come strolling into the bar, each sat beside one another.

The bartender walked over to the bar, and greeted the men. "Welcome gentlemen. I take it this is on the house?"

One the figures looked at his friend next to him and laughed.

"I mean, we did have money, but hey, I'm not turning down free drinks! Whatta ya got? Nah, just messing with you. We'll pay." One of the boys said, laying down some cash.

"We aren't here to drink, Dax. We were wondering the whereabouts of anyone related to Beacon. Namely four young women who go by the team name, RWBY." The oldest looking boy in the bunch said.

One of the members of the White Fang overheard him, and walked towards the group. "What'd you just say?"

The boy who was asking for drinks, Dax, turned to the White Fang member. "Geez man, are you that hammered already? We said we were looking for team RWBY. Maybe this guy can help us, Shade! Even if he's sloshed, I'm sure this guy can be useful. Right buddy?"

The White Fang member drew a sword and pointed it to Dax's neck. "Why are you looking for team RWBY?"

Dax smiled. "Ah, you're a man of less words, and more action? That's okay. We have a guy for that. Hey Hunt? Maybe you can sway this man's opinion?"

One of the boys, like a flash, jumped up from his seat and smashed the White Fang member's head into the bar.

"I don't want to hurt you all..." He turned to the rest of the group, with widened, terrifying eyes. "But I will if I have to."

The fourth member got up, and turned to the group who suddenly stopped playing pool. "Five of them. We've got one under, so the others won't be that bad."

"What is this, the four musketeers?" The leader of the White Fang group said, taking out a handgun. "Know your place."

Dax picked up an empty beer bottle, and threw it at the guy's head, temporarily blinding him.

"You want in on this, Shade?" He chuckled.

Shade merely stayed sitting down, uninterested. "I'm the leader of this group. I'm doing what I need to do. You all have fun."

"Sweet. Ethan, Hunter, let's introduce ourselves!"

Dax leaped out of his seat, and ran for the guy with the gun, punching him clear in the head. Hunter grabbed a pool stick, smacking two other members across the face. The boy named Ethan threw two coasters at the final two members, striking them both in the forehead.

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