Accidental Attachment (Steve Rogers x reader)

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Imagine being in love with Steve, but being too afraid to tell him how you really feel.

It had been a long day. I spent most of it training alone. Most people find that weird that I fight with a team yet prefer to work alone. I like the alone time though, it gives me a chance to process things. Be able to concentrate. That is until there is an interruption.

Hey there Y/L/N. Tony hollered walking in.

Hey Stark. I said in the most irritable way possible.

Look I know today you wanted to be on your own, but you know how important it is to stay fit?

Yes. Look I may seem irritable right now, but I didnt sleep well last night. You know the usual.

Yeah. I get that, but you know who could help with that?

Absolutely not. You bring him into this and I will end you.

"I know, but you do realize you have talk to him about this sooner or later right?" Tony gave me a serious look. The most genuine serious look he has ever given me.

"Yes I do. And eventually I will, but right now I have more to focus on than that."

I wanted to change the subject as fast as I could because I know Steve was booked in here in the next 20 minutes. I didn't want to risk being in this conversation when he walked in. I didn't need him questioning us. Or questioning period.

"This is true. I just don't get why you haven't told him yet?"

"Come on. Give me one reason as to why and then I'll leave you alone."

"Because Stark, I don't date selfish, narcissistic, dunderheads."

"Wow I wouldn't want to be the guy on the other end of that conversation." Steve said walking in 5 minutes early.

"Yeah no some guys can just be really full of themselves. And ignorant, and overall just really douchey." I said going to grab my stuff and head out.

"Wait your time isn't up yet? I came in here just to get a head start because I have somewhere to be after this and wanted to get as much time in as I could. Before I had to clean up and head out."

"No, Steve you're fine. I was getting ready to leave anyways when Stark walked in."

"Okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn't intruding on your work out."

I gathered the rest of my things and waved goodbye to the guys before I head back to my apartment.

It was small and hardly big enough for one person, but it was home all the same. I sat my stuff down and went to go wash up. A nice cool shower to help relax me a little before I went on with my day.

As I finished up in the bathroom there was a knock on my door. I dreaded going to answer it knowing that I didn't want to face the outside world just yet. I peeked through the peephole to see who awaited my answering on the other side.

It was none other than Mr. Tony Stark himself. I huffed before opening the door slowly.

"Yes?" I said already irritated, and it clearly showed through my enthusiasm.

"You. Dinner. Tonight." He ordered me.

"In your dreams Stark." I rolled my eyes and went to shut the door when his hand stopped it from closing.

"Nice try Y/N, but it wasn't optional. Plus it isn't a date. I just want you to come over and eat dinner with me and Pepper tonight. We need to discuss what happened earlier anyways because we left things on a bad note."

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