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There was a knock on the front door, and David opened it. Betty opened her mouth to speak, but upon seeing who it was, she frowned.

"Is Archie still home?"

David widened the doorway to let her in. "Are you walking to school with us?"

Betty nodded as she walked into the house, just as Archie came down the staircase.

"Betty?" Archie asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. He woke up a little after his alarm, and he still wasn't fully awake.

"Arch, did you hear?"

"No I didn't, whatever it is. I also didn't hear a 'good morning' from you."

David scoffed at Archie's lack of filter as he closed the door and walked into the kitchen. Uncle Fred handed him a glass of orange juice and put a plate of eggs in front of David. Betty sat at the table with Archie as David set the eggs and sat in his seat.

"The carnival is coming to town next month. I think I'm going to sign up for volunteer hours," Betty announced.

David put sausages onto his plate and gave Betty a look. "Wait, you came here all excited to tell Archie that?"

Betty shrugged. "It's a good experience. I think Archie should sign up for something, too." She turned to look at Archie again, but he was already shaking his head as he stuffed a forkful of eggs into his mouth. "Oh, c'mon Arch!"

"I don't think he's up for that." David offered Betty a strip of bacon, which she took and chewed on methodically whilst glaring at Archie in disappointment. David ate his breakfast as Fred offered Betty some, but she declined and continued to pester Archie to change his mind. "What are you signing up for?" David asked, hoping to distract Betty long enough to give Archie some peace while eating.

Betty took a moment to genuinely think about an answer. "Well, I'd like to work the face painting booth, but it's random assignment. Why? Do you want to sign up?"

David shook his head. "It'd be fun to swirl cotton candy, but they'd most likely put me as janitor."

Betty shrugged, sitting back to wait for the boys to finish so they could walk to school. David cleaned up his dishes and started wondering why Betty hadn't iced him out. He expected her to at least pretend like he wasn't there, for Cheryl's sake. However, she was talking to him, and not even in a spiteful tone. David was giving Betty skeptical looks as he made his way to grab his things, but she was looking at her phone. She furrowed her brows at something and shared it with Archie. They exchanged the same worrisome look.

Archie took this as a signal to turn and say, "Bye, dad!"

"Have a nice day at school, boys and Betty." David waved as they left the house in response to Fred.

"What do you think this means?" Archie asked Betty, the moment they hit the cement.

"I think this means she's coming back."

"Wait, why'd she leave in the first place?"

Betty shrugged. "I don't really remember, but it was something she jumped at immediately after the break up."

"I mean, it was a pretty ugly break up."

"I know, I remember."

"I'm sorry," David interrupted from behind the two, "but who are you guys talking about?"

Betty looked over her shoulder and said, "Toni Topaz."

David furrowed his brows. "Who the hell is Toni Topaz?"

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