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Cheryl had just grabbed her keys and her backpack when the chime of the doorbell echoed throughout Thistlehouse. Not sure of who could be there so early in the morning, she walked over to answer it. Her Aunt Cecilia turned around, smiling gently.

"Good morning, Cheryl. Is it alright if I drop you off at school today?"

Cheryl blinked. She stepped out to close and lock the door before turning back to her aunt. "Okay."

Her aunt lead her to the car and unlocked the doors. Cheryl got into the passenger seat and buckled in. As Cecilia started up the engine, Cheryl waited patiently for her to start talking. Cheryl had a feeling this wasn't just a nice gesture; something was up.

"They're coming today."

Cheryl bristled. "Who?"

"The family," Cecilia sighed. She glanced at Cheryl sympathetically before facing the road again. Cheryl inhaled deeply through her nose, facing out the window instead. "They'll be here soon after your classes end."

Cheryl closed her eyes, gulping heavily. "Okay," she said, opening her eyes. "Thank you for telling me."

"I want you to know, I'm with you the whole way through. Your uncle, too."

Cheryl couldn't help but roll her eyes. "How can I trust either of you?"


Cheryl turned her head to face her aunt. "I'm serious. You two hated me just as much as the rest of the family, if not more. None of you could stand even the thought of me taking over after Jason died. Now, all of a sudden, you two are desperately trying to seat me into the company. Why? Why now? Why are you guys so desperate?"

Cecilia's jaw clenched. "We shouldn't speak of this now."

"Oh, really? We won't have a chance otherwise. They're coming today, you said so yourself. If there's something you need to tell me, now would be the time."

Cecilia gripped the steering wheel. Cheryl watched her aunt's knuckles go white, and she suddenly felt like she wasn't in a safe environment. Maybe she shouldn't have continued to prod.

"Your cousin Victor is desperate for it. We've been trying to unseat him for a while. He's been using the business for his own disgusting endeavors, just like your father. If he gets his hands on it, he'll ruin the rest of us."

Cheryl frowned. "Then why not have someone else take it? Or you and Uncle Reginald?"

"We might not have always been nice to each other, but we're still family, Cheryl. We know you can't survive on your grandmother's portion alone, at least not forever." Cecilia glanced at her niece. "Making sure your future is both in clean hands and financed well is the least we can do for you."

Cheryl was at a loss for words. She was right, there wasn't a lot of love to go around in the Blossom family. This really was the least they could do to make up for everything they hadn't been there for. It was the only way they knew how to be family.

"We're here."

Cheryl turned her head to see that they had in fact arrived at Riverdale High. She stepped out of the car and turned to look inside before closing the door. She hesitated.

"Thank you, Aunt Cecilia. And ... not just for the ride."

Cecilia turned to look at her in surprise, before a soft smile slowly made it's way onto her face. "Of course, Cheryl. Have a good day at school."

Cheryl closed the door and adjusted her bag on her shoulder before walking to the doors of Riverdale High. She didn't know what the day would bring, but she hoped for the best.

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