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Grimataya Maethya was right in one sense, and wrong in another: Arcelli’s story was not remembered, but nor was it unimportant.

No history text today will speak of Arcelli, the land of myth and magic, and no legend found today mentions it as the origin of all other fantasies. It is a story buried in dust and ruin, plagued by ghosts and shadow…a story that no person, in their right mind, would ever bring back to the world.

Magic may be long dead, and the Ikari with it. The Order of Keepers lived safe in the knowledge that, even if they fell to ruin, like so many empires before them, their story would one day be told…and yet it never was.

Until today. Today the veil is lifted; today, perhaps, you see the world of magic for what it truly is, the people that made it possible.

Kymio eventually recruited a number of diplomats to his cause, which eventually swelled in size and warranted the creation of an Eighth League: a league of ambassadors and diplomats, who protect Arcelli not through steel, but through words and understanding. He eventually became renowned as the Order’s first Eighth League grimataur, and joined his former master Maethya at the Assembly table. Upon his timely death, he was buried in his parent’s backyard, beside his brother Timikayo.

Drei went on to become well-versed in the arts of magic and stealth, though he never quite achieved full mastery of combat. He continued on to become a skilled illusionist–one of the best the world had ever seen–and entertained many of the foreign kings and nobles which travelled far and wide to come to Thyroden’s halls.

When Drei died, ten years after Kymio’s passing, Maethya left the Second League to her dear friend Thiyana and travelled south to the Sockt River, where she presumably boarded a cargo ship and was never heard from in Arcelli again. Her whereabouts remain a mystery, but several ancient cultures paid tribute to a goddess of war and wisdom, who guided many armies to victory in times of suffering and who protected its people from harm’s reach.

These are the people that create the foundation of all magic in the world, the people who perpetuated all things divine and supernatural when they had very nearly died out. Because of them, magic exists to this very day…and it can still be found, if only you know where to look.

There were times of suffering in Arcelli, true; there were years of famine and blood, of fire and ash. Of discord and chaos.

But at the end of all things, there was also the Order.

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