Just In Time | (reader/avengers)

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Credit goes to Marvel for this-- inspired by a scene in X-Men: Apocalypse

Credit goes to Marvel for this-- inspired by a scene in X-Men: Apocalypse

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"Have you ever heard of Avengers initiative?" Nick Fury asked you as he held up a card with more information on it.

You couldn't believe that this was actually happening. You knew you were bound to be hounded down by someone ever since the Notre Dame incident in Paris. Headline after headline, everybody was trying to figure out the mysterious person that saved all the relics inside before the fire wiped them out. You never intended on ever using your super speed, ever since your mother told you to forget you ever had them, but you were on vacation with your friends and you couldn't bring yourself to watch the building burn down along with all the irreplaceable ancient relics. You had to do something. Fortunately, you were so fast that no one could capture a glimpse of you. Not even with their cameras.

You didn't want people to figure out you had this abnormal ability and to be seen as different. Your mother told you time and time again that this ability isn't a gift, it's a curse that will have you set aside and experimented on. You knew deep down in your heart that you were meant to use it for a greater good, especially after seeing and hearing how The Avengers always save the day on the news and in almost every tabloid. They had special abilities and skills and were praised for it, nothing like your mother described.

You didn't think you would've been found after the news died down and everyone was losing hope on finding the person who saved the day. Something in you wanted to come out to the world, but you feared the judgement that would follow. But of course Nick Fury tracked you down. You were wondering what his thought process was when realizing you were just a first year student who lived with their best friend in a box sized apartment in Brooklyn,New York.

Now here you are in Manhattan, making a quick stop at a bodega to buy some cheesy fries before making your way to the Avengers Tower to discuss your final decision on your recruitment offer with Nick Fury, who let you know prior to the time that he would be there. You didn't want to mess up your first impression with your childhood heroes, especially not on an empty stomach. You didn't know what to expect when the thought of actually being in the space with these heroes would be like. Would they be stuck up? Rude? Funny? Nice? Welcoming? The list goes on.

You walked out the bodega, throwing a fry into your mouth before smiling proudly when the cacophony of city sounds hit your ear drums, the unpleasant smell of the city meeting your nostrils and the breeze hitting your face. Today is going to be a great day. Today is going to be the day you can finally explore your abilities. You plugged in your Airpods and Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics begun in your ears as soon as you tapped play.

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