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"So... What's the plan?"

Tadashi looked at Dash who was smirking from side to side.

"We're going to trick this boogie man and get him to go out of his hiding place. How, you may ask? Let me explain."

Dash and Tadashi already thought of this earlier, so they already got a picture of how everything's gonna go.

The younger boy took a deep breath, let it out and started "So we're going to start with using a bait. Which clearly is Wilbur, next we will wait till this weirdo guy to make a move. Then, we will-" he was cut off by Wilbur.

"Attack him!? I'm in!"

"No, you idiot! We will follow him back to his secret lair! If we attack him right away, he might make his assistants in his lair hurt your other friends! So we will not do that, except if he found out about our plan. If that happens, then there is no other way." Dash continued "There, in his lair, we will watch him telling you and the others his plan and then do something later on to sabotage his plan. Then, we save the four of you and we live happily ever after. Good? Nice! Let's go, pack your things. Bring the stuff you think would be useful later if we get into a fight."

Tadashi took a couple of kitchen tools that look deadly for some reason to him. Some of them are a pan, some forks, a pair of knives, and one spatula. He put his stuff in a sling bag and walked back to the living room.

Dash have a superpower so he doesn't really need any weapons. But he brought a roll of rope, only for making sure.

Wilbur didn't get any cool weapon and such, but he did get a Swiss Army knife to defend himself if the masked man attack him out of nowhere.

Now, they are ready to go.


I know, I know. It's been ages since I updated

I'm SORRY!!!!! Please forgive me!

Even this chapter is not that long! I promise I'll update soon. Pinky promise. I don't think I'm gonna get any more inspiration about this arc though. So I'll probably act like it never existed but not delete the chapters that are related. So what do you guys think I should do.

If I don't continue this arc, we'll be back to the crystals and J.F.H arc.

Tell me in the comments please. I want to know what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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