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I wiped my tears so many times. The view getting blurry but I tried not to collapse. I was almost fainted when....


All black. I cant hear anything. I just hear people talking but its no longer. Now I cant hear anything. Maybe this is my last day.
Taehyung: Sana ssi... You want to buy something??
Sana: Lets buy-
My phone ringging.
On the phone~
Taehyung: What?!? Where is she now?!?
????: At XXX hospital.
Taehyung: I will be there.
Hung up~
Sana: Whats wrong Tae??
Taehyung: My sister....
Sana: Why??
I collapse on my knees.
Sana: Tae... Are you okay??
She help me get up and sit me at the chair.
Sana: Why your sister??
Taehyung: She accident. Now she is at the hospital.
I cant stop my tears. Its fall.
We are at the hospital. My mother was there first. After a few minutes the doctor came out.
Mother: Whats wrong with her?? -sobbing-
Doctor: She lose a lot of blood. One of her kidney cannot function well. But we will try our best to maintain her condition.
Taehyung: Thank you doctor.
My mother sat on the chair crying harder. I hugged her and patted her back.
Mother: Why this happen to her. -sobbing-
Jimin's family came. But I didnt see where is Jimin.
Taehyung: Jihyo... Where is Jimin??
Jihyo: I tried to called him so many times but no answer from him.
Sana: Tae my brother is here to take me
If have anything news call me okay?
I looked at her and nodded. We sat on the chair sighed. The doctor came out from the surgery room.
Doctor: You guys can see her now. But two people only.
We nodded. My mother and I went into her room. I opened the door. What can I see is all wire at her body. She breath from the machine. I feel bad for her. My mother sat beside her.
Mother: Dahyun... Wake up please. I'm here. Your brother is here visit you. Wake up please. We want to see your smile.
Her tears fall down non stop. I lowered my head and cry.
MEANWHILE (jimin's pov)
Seulgi: Thanks for choosing me Jimin.
I smiled. I took out my phone and saw.
176 missed called
Jimin: Why Jihyo called me so many times?
Seulgi: Keep your phone. Lets have some times together.
I put back my phone and looked at her.
2 months later (dahyun's pov)
I hear a sound machine at the hospital. I slowly opened my eyes.
????: Dahyun?? Tae dahyun is awake.
They went in with doctor. The nurse take off all the wire. The doctor check my heartbeat.
Doctor: She is normal now. But not too normal. I will come back and check on you.
I nodded and the doctor went out.
Taehyung: Hi sis. I missed you.
Dahyun: Oppa I'm sorry for being rude to you.
Taehyung: Its okay.
Dahyun: Who is she huh?
I pointed at the girl.
Taehyung: Sana my new girl.
The girl chuckled and came to me.
Sana: Nice to meet you.
Dahyun: Nice to meet you too SANA SSI.
Taehyung: Why are you so excited?
Dahyun: Because she so beautiful.
They chuckled....

New chapter💜💜Hope you like it💜I will update soon.

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