1.9K 70 1

I'm here Canada.
Pilot: Take a sit everyone.
I rest my head and sighed. Someone called me. I pick it up.
Uncle: Jimin ah! You arrive already?
Jimin: Oh hi uncle. Yeah I'm here.
Uncle: Okay I will come and pick you up.
Jimin: Okay.
Starting the new day.
Chaeyoung: You fully recover Dahyun?
Dahyun: Yup dont worry.
Chaeyoung: By the way you have any work for me? Well I dont have work yet need to do. Need to spend my money.
Dahyun: Work with me. I work in a cafe.
Chaeyoung: That sound good.
Sana: Dahyunnie?
Dahyun: Sana ssi.
Sana: You okay now? I'm sorry for not visiting you. I was so busy.
Dahyun: Its okay Sana ssi.
She smiled.
Chaeyoung: Hi!
Sana: Hi!
Chaeyoung: I'm her friend nice to meet you.Dahyun: Yeah her name is Chaeyoung.
Sana: Nice to meet you too Chaeyoung ah. I need to go already.
Dahyun: Oh really?
I pout.
Sana: Haha I will visit you later okay? Bye bye Dahyun ah.
Taehyung: Need to go already?
She nodded. Taehyung grabbed her hand and dragged her out.
Dahyun: So sweet two of them.
Uncle: Welcome Jimin ssi!
Jimin: Thank you.
Uncle: Lets go.
I nodded and followed him to his car. He drive went to his house. After a few minutes we arrived.
Uncle: We are back.
????: JIMIN OPPA!!!!!
And I can reconize the voice. She shouted from the kitchen.
????: LONG TIME NO SEE!!!!
It was Yeri my cousin.
Jimin: Ey me too.
Yeri: So miss me?
Jimin: Nope.
Yeri: How dare you!
Jimin: Hahaha ofc I am. The most annoying cousin ever.
Yeri: I'm not!
Aunty: Okay enough.
Jimin: Hi aunty.
I bowed.
Aunty: Welcome Jimin.
Jimin: Thank you.
Aunty: Go and rest first if dinner is ready I will call you.
Jimin: Okay.
Uncle: Yeri ah show him his room.
Yeri: Lets go oppa.
Jimin: Lets go!
Yeri: So you had a girlfriend already??
Jimin: Aigo why you ask this huh? You have?
Yeri: I ask you then you ask me back. What is this!?
Jimin: Hahaha I dont have.
Yeri: I thought you said you handsome before and lot of girls ehem.
Jimin: Thats a long time ago.
Yeri: Oh yeah? Hahaha. Whatever oppa. Here your room.
Jimin: Thanks kid.
Yeri: When did I become a kid huh?
Jimin: Bye kid.
With that I closed the door. I put my bag and laid on the bed.
I opened it up and saw message from Taehyung.


Jimin ah

you arrived there already?




Good to hear it then


Dahyun fully recover already?


She need to do x-ray tomorrow

Then she will discharge.


I hope nothing happen to her


Care about her?

Then why you leave her?


I have my own reason why I leave her okay


You want to be alone?

Is that the reason?

Dude its unbelieveable

I turned it off and stare at the ceiling. I slowly closed my eyes.

New chapter. Sorry if its bored haha. I will update more soon.

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