A little longer.

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The sun rises morning has come but the two lovers was sleeping so peacefully, hugging each other like there's no tomorrow, enjoying each other warmth. Yuri was the first one to wake up, she stretch her body and snuggles to the older girl neck sniffing the older girl fragrance.

The older girl groan as the younger girl snuggle into her, Yena slowly open her eyes and meet her girlfriend tired but beautiful eyes, Yena can't help but to smile as she saw yuri's beautiful face in the morning.

"Goodmorning ducky~" yuri utter and kissed yena's lips.

"Goodmorning Jjoyul~" yena replied and kissed yuri's forehead.

Yuri hugs yena and it makes yena blush as yuri's breast squeeze on her arms. Yena gulp as she feels yuri's breath on her neck.

"Yena.. why you so red?" yuri asks the older girl.

"A..m I?" yena stutter as yuri press herself to yena.

"Why are you so intense?" yena gulp as yuri encircle her finger on yena's chest.

"Y-yu-ri.. y-ou-r-e na-ke-d.." yena stutter feeling her bloods start to rise up.

Yuri laughed at her girlfriend reaction, teasing yena find yuri fun and yena was absolutely turn on on what yuri had done. Yuri release herself on yena then yena heavily exhale after yuri loosen up.

"You're so cute" yuri pinch yena's cheeks.

"Take a bath i'll wait you downstair." yena said.

"I dont want." yuri said then she lean forward to yena.

"Wanna take a bath together?" yuri winks then left yena dumbfounded, yena sighed.

'This girl would be the death of me aaaarrg' yena thought.

"Yah yah yah, wait for me" yena said then she follows yuri on the showerroom. 👀👀

After they 'take a bath' Yena have to carry yuri downstair , yuri can't walk properly because of their activity lastnight. The older girl place yuri at the sofa and she make her way to the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of them.

"Don't you have class today?" yena asks.

"I don't have, it's saturday."

"Ah yea right. hehe" yena scratch her head.

Yena sit besides yuri and place the food infront of them, Yena being the sweet gf she fed yuri.

"I can do it yena, I'm not a baby.." yuri said.

"but you're my baby." yena smile as she look at her girlfriend who is red as tomato.

"So what do you want to do today?" yena ask.

"I just wanna lay down and cuddle with you today, because you gonna leave again.." yuri pouted.

"Aigoo, Don't worry i'll be back~ Please wait for me yuri ah~" yena kissed the top of yuri's head.

"I can wait for you even if its forever." yuri smile as she snuggles on yena's neck.

"Silly, I won't take that long." yena chuckles.

"So what should we watch?" yena ask.

"I Am" Sequel of 'U R' ✅Where stories live. Discover now