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"Can you stay for a bit longer?" yena directly asks, yuri's heart can't help but to flutter.

Yuri stay a little bit longer, she and yena talk about their life. Yena became talkative just like the old time, yuri smile as she see yena smile again, she just looking at yena while the latter is talking, she doesn't care about what yena was saying. She misses the oldergirl so much.


"Earth to yuri.." yena snapped her finger infront of yuri.

"O-oh.." yuri stutter.

"tch, you weren't listening." yena pouted.

"sorry, you're too beautiful.." yuri whisper.

"I know I'm beautiful." yena chuckles, the younger girl blush in embarrassment as yena heard what she said.

"I think i should go now yena." yena nodded.

"Bye yena, see you around.." yuri lean forward to yena and kissed the older girl cheeks at the same time the door opens.

"Omo sorry ms choi." jooe was about to close the door.

"I-it's fine.. what is it?" yena stutter, yuri just chuckles.

"You have meeting later" yena just nodded.

"I'll get going now yena.."

"I'll take you home."

"No, it's okay yena." yuri said.

"Okay, still I'll take you home" yena insist and walk past yuri and open the door for the younger girl.

Yuri and yena reached the building parking lot, yena was about to open the door for yuri but someone called yena's name.

"Yena!" the two looked behind them.


"Oh yuri, you are here." juri greeted with smirk.

"Why did you call me?" yena asks.

"We have meeting today and we have to go to the Song's company together remember?" juri said.

"I'll take yuri home first you can wait for me in my office." yena said.

"yena but we need to go to the meeting now." juri utter.

"It's okay yena, I can go home by myself." yuri smiled.

"Juri noona! Yena noona!"

"Hyunjinie~" juri hug the boy.

"Just wanna remind you about the outing! did you tell yena noona already?" hyunjin asks.

"Tell me what?" yena look at the two with a question look.

"I Am" Sequel of 'U R' ✅Where stories live. Discover now