Moving to Pennsylvania

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So it's the the day I'm moving to Pennsylvania. I am very excited to meet new people but sad because I have to leave my old friends. I have to leave my best friend Bailey and Margret. We are leaving to go to the air port tomorrow at 7 am I have to still pack because my mom just told me 3 days ago. We are moving cause my dad got transferred to Pennsylvania. When I was finished packing I zipped up my bag and put it near the door. "I'm gonna miss this place."as I sat on the couch texting my friends Margret and Bailey I was tearing up because I'm gonna miss them. Around 10 I went to bed because I have to wake up really early

I wake up around 6 am and I'm really tired. I really don't care what I look like so I throw my hair in a messy bun and I don't bother doing my makeup and I also put on my PINK sweatpants and white crop top. As I walk down stairs to eat breakfast I see all my relatives and best friends. I give them all hugs but now it's time to go. We go into the car and drive to the airport. When we go to Pennsylvania it would be winter time so I bought so long pants and shirts. We got to the air port and we just went through security and it took sooo long. I went to Mc Donald's to ate a Big Mac because I didn't eat breakfast. Soon it was time to bored the plane we were in first class which was fun. After about 2 hours of me napping on the plane and watching Netflix we finally landed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania airport it was so cold out. It was my first time I've been in snow! It was so cold certainly not Florida weather.

We rented a car to go to our house. My room was huge but I have to start all over redecorating. Tomorrow is the first day of school. And I gotta pick out what I'm gonna wear! So after going through all my clothes I decided with a black leggings, pink converse, and a pink sweatshirt, and I curled my hair. At 10 I went to sleep hoping it was gonna be a good day and that the teachers are nice and I at least find one friend. And whiled I was thinking about school and I fell in a deep sleep.

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