Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe how much fun I was having...

When Jungkook decided he had enough of teaching me how to swim, we walked back to the other who were all sitting on the beach chairs and towels.

Taehyung:oh look, it's the lovebirds! Go back in the water, we were having a great time without you!
He groaned in annoyance

The rest of them laughed while I shyly sat down on the empty towel, looking down to hide my blushing face.

Jungkook however, completely ignored Taehyung and sat down beside me.

He grabbed cold water bottles from the cooler for each of us, handing me one first.

Suga:you guys got close.
He commented with a suspecting tone of voice as he narrowed his eyes at us.

All I could do was shrug and bite my lip to contain my overwhelming nerves...

The others engaged in many different conversations throughout the day, even back at the hotel.

Not once was I included... but it was honestly kind of relieving to see that they didn't feel the need to include me.

I'm far past the point of overstaying my welcome...

Yet, Jungkook continuously avoids that conversation entirely, like he's not ready for it or something.

It doesn't make sense.

With all the fun I've been having (for the first time in my life), it's not like I want to leave these amazingly generous people...

Leaving would at least give me peace of mind to know that I'm no longer burdening them.

In the meantime of their seemingly private conversation, I decided to take a shower.

It felt so good to get the grainy mixture of sand and salt off of me.

Though, I began to realize how much I hated being alone now...

My mind is filled with fearful thoughts about those men and what will happen to me once I part ways with the large group of young adults

Maybe I can somehow find enough money to get a bus ride all the way home...

Going back to that hell was almost just as nauseating.

But as long as I'm in this city, I'm not safe.

I stared out the large bedroom window, observing the white sand and how it extended towards the beautiful blue ocean.

The sky was stroked with warm pinks, purples and oranges from the setting Sun.

It's comforting to know that even when the Sun sets, there's still a welcoming moon...

Jungkook:oh, you're wearing my clothes again?
He chuckled from behind me, his sudden appearance making me flinch.

I quickly turned around and held my hands behind my back.

Y/n:y-yeah... s-sorry.
My voice was barely audible.

Jungkook:no need.
He smiled before continuing,

Jungkook:we've been discussing what we should do to help you. I wanted to hear how you feel though. Do you feel safe going back home? Are you ready to go to the police now?
He asked.

He's finally mentioning the elephant in the room.

Y/n:w-well, yes I do feel s-safe to go home now. But I still c-can't go to the police. I already told you a-about how they would find out too much... and put me in an o-orphanage.

Jungkook looked at me empathetically.

Jungkook:how long has it been that way...? You living without a legal guardian?

Y/n:for a couple of years...
My eyes adverted to the floor again.

Y/n:with o-only me living there, the expenses are so cheap I-I can afford it with minimum wage. So I've been able to s-survive on my own for... quite some time.

I bitterly laughed, trying to hide the pain behind my smile.

Jungkook:what, did you run away?
He asked further, confusion written all over his face.

Y/n:no, no, it's nothing like that...
I nervously rubbed my arm.

What if he reports me to the authorities himself and tells them how I'm illegally living alone?

Jungkook:It's not right for me to send you home like that, I wouldn't be able to... the only other solution I can think of is that you c-could.. live with me? Just until we figure out where to go from there.

He rushed his explanation of the absurd idea, his face reddening more and more as he spoke.

My jaw dropped.

Y/n:are you crazy!?
I yelled.

His beautiful doe eyes widened at my change in expression.

Y/n:I can't live with you, Jungkook! You're the kindest person I've ever met and always will be, but I can't accept that. You've already done so much for me, more than anyone else has in my life combined.

By the end of my rant, my voice was cracking from sadness.

My appreciation and thankfulness outweighed it greatly, though.

Tears glossed over my eyes, blurring my vision.

Jungkook:Y/n, it's nothing. I promise, I really don't mind helping. I was never a person who commonly did the "right thing"... let me redeem myself by helping you, because it is the right thing to do.
His voice was firm yet calm.

By now, the tears were streaming down my face.

Y/n:how could y-you do all of this... for m-me?
I asked, my voice like broken glass.

Jungkook:some people.. deserve more than what they've been given with.

His sentence was too simplified for me to truly comprehend the metaphoric meaning behind it, especially with the pause.

He pities me... doesn't he.

Y/n:b-but what about all of my things back at my house?

Jungkook:I have plenty of everything you'd need at mine, you don't need to worry.
He persuaded.

Y/n:god, could I-I ever pay you back for this? Self redemption and all of that aside.

I can't believe I'm saying yes to this... but he's so convincing that my surrounding guilt has vanished.

Jungkook shook his head and chuckled.

Jungkook:go get some sleep, Y/n.
He said softly.

End of chapter 6

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