"Just a second!" I said, "Okay Ashley you need to..." Ashley was gone....
."Hello? Hello can I come in?" The voice said at the door. I'm now shaking.
"Y-yEaH! Just a second!" I say frantically running around the house looking for him. I find nothing, and even if I did have more time he's so small there is no way I could've found him. Now. I've lost all hope, I hear the doorknob turning.
"I'm coming in (Y/N)!" The voice says opening my front door. I look up from under a table, it's my best friend and she's holding a bag, giving a strange look.
She holds out her hand, "Need a lift?" She giggles. I grab her hand and stand up, frantically looking around the room for Ashley.
"So what's up?"
"Erm," I say anxiously, "Not much, just normal things..." I say walking into other rooms. I don't know Ashley could've gone. I mean they are tiny but still, I didn't leave them alone for too long did I?
"Y/N?" she asks, "Are you okay? You seem a bit frazzled."
Should I tell her? I mean I've known Emery for most of my life, but, this is something strange. How do I know she would actually believe me? Well, I gotta take a chance here...
"Emery, come sit down with me." I say sitting on one of the old chairs that my mother gave to me as a house warming gift.
Being adult is scary, paying taxes, getting a job, finding someone to love you. It's all just too hard. Emery makes it seem alright though. Someone to fall back on if you're having a bad day, she deserves to know.
"Is everything alright?" She said pulling out a chair hesitantly. "You're almost scaring me. I may go here soon.."
Those words cut through me like a knife. She isn't supposed to be scared of me! I mean I know I look like monster because my hair is messy and I have bags under my eyes but I'm alright., Aren't I?
Emery stands up and starts to walk towards the door with a concerned expression on her face. I grab her by the arm, "Wait, please sit down. I'll explain why I'm acting like this."
She paused for a moment then proceeded to walk out the door. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I just can't stay, I've read too many horror stories and I know where this is going. If you want to talk to me it has to be from a phone, preferably texting." She walked out the door and ran to her car.
How could she been afraid of me? She's been my friend for so long and now she's just left me like some crumbs in the bottom of a chip bag.
I turn around and walk slowly to my room. I stumble here and there on things trying to look for Ashley. Everyone has given up on me, even Ashley. They became so terrified by me that he just left me without even saying anything. I give up.
I flop onto my bed and start to sob quietly. The sobbing starts to get louder and louder until I can't hear myself think. The Thinking however is what made me cry so much so after that I was just sleepy.
I yawn and throw my blankets on top of me and start to drift away. I'm almost asleep but I keep feeling the bed sheets rustle. I look under the blanket and there is Ashley, sound asleep cuddling what appears to be a small ball of hair from my bathroom floor. Maybe he wasn't scared of me after all...