Pt 4

3 0 0

Sniper POV
Wait i think this is our old mineforce base

Ender POV
Yeah i think it is

Toxic POV
This doesn't make sense why would shadow man use the old mineforce base as his base

Sniper POV
I mean ender's engaged so anything's possible

Ender POV
I know anything's possible like your birth parents leaving you

Toxic covers his mouth and starts laughing

Sniper POV
Ender i will kill u

Ender POV
Yeah sure

Toxic POV
Both of you guys shut the f$@! up

Ender POV

Ender puts his hand to his earpeice

Ender POV
Blast come in


Ender POV

Unkown POV
Hello ender

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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