PT 3

3 0 0

Sniper sneaks up on a guard and kills him

Sniper POV
Good night

Sniper then sets up his sniper rifle

Sniper POV
Alright ender i'm in postion

Ender POV
Ok see if you can see me i'm by the trucks on the eastside

Sniper looks and finds ender

Sniper POV
Got you

Ender POV
Ok toxic you go left i go right

Toxic POV
Ok lets go

Ender POV
Roll out

Toxic POV
Aw S#$t

Ender POV
Same bro same

They are caught

Ender slowly  rasies his pistols

Ender POV

A huge battle happenes

Ender POV
Come on get inside

They run inside and barrcade the door

Sniper POV
They knew we were coming

Ender POV
Yeah but the console should still be here

Toxic POV
Wait this building seems familiar

Ender POV
Yeah it does

Sniper POV
Wait i think this is......

To be continued

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