Cryptic Part the 6th

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It was early when Sherlock pounded on my door. "Ivy! I'm leaving for the morgue in ten minutes!"

"What!" I exclaimed, trying to orient myself, only to roll onto the floor with a loud thump. "Ow..."

"Ivy?" I heard the door creek open.

I must have been quite a sight. Hair a tangled mess, bed sheet wrapped around me like a toga. Face all scrunched up because I couldn't bloody see.

"Hurry up," he clipped, turning on his heel and stalking away.

I grumbled as I picked myself up off the cold floor. He gave me ten minutes notice. Ten bloody minutes.

Seven short minutes later, I was yawning as I grabbed an apple for breakfast.

Sherlock stood by the door, tapping his foot impatiently. "I swear woman! You have thirty seconds to get out of this flat or I will leave you behind!"

"Calm down, Lock," I said drowsily, grabbing my coat. "I'm ready."

"Ivy," he said slowly, a small smile gracing his features. 


"You aren't wearing any shoes."

"Oh..." It was going to be a long morning.

After an uneventful taxy ride, I was following Sherlock up the steps of St. Bartholomew Hospital, pursuing him down many corridors and stair cases until finally he pushed open a door labeled "Mortuary".

The Mortuary was a medium sized white room full of tables, bodies, and tools. A small, timid looking girl stood hunched over a body in the back. Her long brown hair was pulled up in a  pony tail.

"Where are my parts, Molly?" Sherlock demanded, striding into the room.

Molly spun around. "Oh! Sherlock, I didn't hear you come in," her eyes landed on me, and her cheery disposition faltered. "Who's this?"

Wow, someone is in loooooove with Sherlock over here. I smirked. "I'm Ivy Arthur."

She gave me a tight smile. "And, uh... how do you know Sherlock?"

I raised a reproachful eye brow. "We're flat mates, met two days ago," I said, faking confusion.

"Flat mates?" Molly chocked.

Sherlock looked between us before rolling his eyes. "My body parts. Where are they, Molly?"

She gave him a bewildered look, then at me, then back again. "Sorry, what Sherlock?"

He groaned. "I ordered an arm, a jar of eyes, four feet, and a brain. Where are they?"

She stared at him for a moment. "Right. Um, over here."

"As if you need any more bloody eyeballs," I chided him as he followed Molly across the room.

He rolled his eyes at me as she opened a metal cabinet. "It should all be here, but I'll go get you a fresh brain."

She paused, as if awaiting a response. But Sherlock simply started counting out his order. With a sigh, she retreated through a door.

"I'm going to go look for a job opening," I told Sherlock. He just nodded, not looking up from the eye balls he was counting.

I unsuccessfully fought to suppress a smile as I made my way to the front desk.


"Thank you so much!"

"It's really no problem! When can you start?," the nice man who's interviewing me, Mr. Reynolds said.

"I can honestly do tomorrow, but that's a Friday, so maybe its simpler to start on Monday?" I contemplated out loud.

He smiled kindly. "Monday sounds good."

We stood, shook hands, and I grabbed my stuff before leaving.

I can't believe I got the job so easily! It was a fifteen minute interview,  and he was so kind. I turned a corner and bumped into a human body.

"Oh, Ivy. I was just looking for you," said Sherlock. "Congratulations."

I roll my eyes. "That obvious?"

He smiled down at me with what I hoped was fondness. "You usually aren't bouncing off the walls. And seeing as you just went to look for a job, its not hard to figure out."

I grinned, and followed him out of the hospital.

Soon I was standing outside of the flat, patiently waiting on Sherlock. "Need any help?" I inquired as I watch him try to squeeze out of the cab with arms full of body parts.

He grunted with a look of frustration. I stared at him. "Are you sure?"

He sent me a glare. "... can you carry the arm?"

I grinned. "Most definitely."

I went to pick it up, and accidentally grabbed it by the hand. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me.

"What is it that you find amusing?" Sherlock clipped absently.

I just kept giggling and shook the arm as if it were attached to a person. Sherlock rolled his eyes, but not even he could deny the small smile.

"Come on Ivy, I haven't got all day."

"Yes, you do," I retorted, opening the door and stepping inside.

"No, I don't," he argued back, also stepping inside.

"Mhm," I shrugged of my coat, trying my best not to drop the arm.

"Don't drop my arm," Sherlock warned, taking the stairs two at a time.

I scoffed, following him up. "I would never!" He gives me a look. "Honest!"

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