Just Ignore It

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I was so mad at my best friend, I ignored him the whole day. He kept apologizing, but he never told me what they were giggling and laughing about. I just ignored him.

It was really hard for me to ignore him and the only things I ever told him was that I would stop giving him the silent treatment if he told me what they were laughing and smiling about.

That must've been a big ass secret.

He didn't crack. I know he's itching to tell me and just can't for some reason. Either it's very tragic, but it isn't because he was laughing and not crying. So then He must've made my best friend make a way bigger promise.

"Now, I have to say, that's pretty impressive. I know you're going nuts wanting to tell me what that hilarious topic is. Or at least tell me why you guys were looking at me, PLEASE?" I begged him. I stabbed the strips of overcooked chicken on my plate. the lunch at school was never any good, but it was better than some other schools in the area.

"No, I can't. I'm really sorry, and you're right, but I still can't tell you. So for the art project, I'll come over later and we'll start working on it, okay?" he said. He was also murdering his chicken.

"But we need three people minimum. I haven't asked anyone to join us yet." I ditched the strips of dry nothing and ripped open a pack of beef jerky I brought from home.

"But we do have three people. I just assumed you didn't want him to join us. For obvious reasons." He held a devilish smile on his face. "He's actually going to join us for lunch today." My stomach dropped.

"W-w-w-wh-wh-at?" I stuttered. "Without even asking me before asking them?" I rolled my eyes as he took the chance to steal a few strips.

"I didn't exactly ask him. He sort of... invited himself. Which I'm sure you have no problem with," he whispered and wiggled his eyebrows.


"Oh. I see how it is. We've been best friends for years and this is how much you care about me. Oh." He faked hurt. "But you'll sure like this. The story is, we were playing truth or dare, okay?" He said quickly.

"Yeah, but," I glance over at Him, walking into the cafeteria. "I can't work with that in the room," I muttered for only him to hear.

"I guess you'll just have to take the F then."

I froze. Huh?

"What do you mean? We have two weeks to do it. I can do the entire thing by myself in like three days." Something was going to happen. I felt something was going to ruin my life.

"I asked you truth or dare, bitch," he snapped. The sudden change of topic didn't affect me, but what did was that He came over and sat down across from me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ian. Last time I checked that's not how you treat a lady." His silky and low pitched voice melted me every time I heard it.

"Well, Gav, I asked her truth or dare three times already, and she never answered. She was staring at... her eye candy," my best friend said. Oh hell, its coming.

"Hmm... eye candy. Well we all do it, Especially you, Damian. Never look at anything else," he chuckled and set his back pack on the ground. He pulled out a pack of red vines and ate them as he spoke.

"Not that I don't like having you around-" I started

"She LOVES having you around" Ian interrupted.

Gaven raised an eyebrow and I scoffed, "but we're actually playing truth or dare while waiting for someone. We have a project to start.

"Oh. I guess I'll just..." He said while he grabbed his backpack. I sorta did and didn't want him to leave. I really like him, but I can't function in the same room as him. He looked good with the red candy between his lips like a cigarette. What if I just bit the other side...

Just Kidding!

"Yeah, maybe you can sit with us another time?" I asked. 

"Oh, I wasn't going to leave." what "I was just getting this out." He produced a green notebook from his green backpack.

"Uh....." was the only sound I could make.

"Oh, Ian didn't tell you?" I glanced at Ian. Nope.

"No....?" I guessed.

"I'm in your group."


All I could think was 

Just ignore it


That was the longest twenty minutes of my life. I can't believe I have to work with Gaven for TWO WEEKS!!!

It's a dream come true!!

Remember nightmares are dreams too.^u^

God, what am I going to do? I actually considered taking the F like Damian said... Yeah, it's that bad.

What the actual fuck, Damian? How am I going to work with Gaven? For two weeks??? Lord give me strength to surpass these next two weeks of pure hell.

"Hey Lieszel. Took you long enough. " Oh hell.

Really? Even at my house? Why won't Mr. Perfect leave me alone today?

Just ignore it.

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