Chapter Three

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  "I might be pregnant" I blurt out, trying not to avoid the topic.
         Sawyer's eyes went wide, "Y-You're pregnant? "
          I nod feebly, scared he might be mad, "Yes"
           "You... Get out"
           "What? " I ask, "I'm pregnant with your child and your going to do this to me? "
            "You own a house, go to it"
            I walk out, rejected. You'll regret this Sawyer.

      That was the last straw for me, I ran away from my hometown hoping to die, laying in the woods, no love left in my heart.
       Since it was almost winter my fingertips grew colder than ever. I regretted everything I'd done. But then not, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have this wonderful baby with me.
        Suddenly I heard something, I didn't know what I heard, but I knew I heard something. Immediately afterwards a huge wolf jumped, but tripped with rocks on his foot sliding directly on my stomach while I screamed. Then everything went dark, and I started getting dizzy.
Nathaniel's POV

      I sensed my mate, and it felt like she was calling me to her side hopelessly. I started to run, not paying any attention to my surroundings. Then I slid on a few rocks and sliced my beautiful mate's stomach open. After that I started howling for help. Maybe even for a lost cause, but I still wanted to. She was my mate! After a few minutes I started busted crying, but there were other wolves all around me caring for my mate, taking her in, bandaging her stomach and running tests. I cried, but now out of happiness, they were actually caring for her even though she had the scent of a rouge, and humans. Except one scent smelled like a hunter, What the hell?
Audrey's POV

     "I'm so sorry, my lady it seems you have suffered a miscarriage"
     The innocent young woman broke into tears, her little face red, and splotchy.
    "I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone. " The old man exited the room while Nathaniel walked in.

     "I'm sorry baby. " Was all Nathaniel could say, he couldn't stand seeing her cry.
    The girl looked up, still sniffling, "Why did you call me baby? "
    "Because you're my mate" He smiled at the answer.
    "Your mate? " She tilted her brown curled hair.
     "What do you feel when I touch you? " Nathaniel touched her fragile hand.
      "I don't know how to explain it, it's just... It feels like living to the fullest, or being happy, more than happy actually. Being in love" The girl answered lightly.
        Nathaniel smiled, and kissed the girl on the cheek.
        I snapped my fingers, I'd had enough of this pity party. Nathaniel is my boyfriend, and I'm going to be future Luna to the pack. Not some slut that couldn't wait for her damn mate when she's trying to take mine!
    "Nathaniel, sweety, can you take Ian out of the crib, and feed him? " I asked trying to sound like a sweet woman. This was my chance, watch this girls true colors burst, I could already feel her aura sprout into confusion. I kept my sly smile batting my eyes at Nathaniel.
 Nathaniel's POV
      I want to wipe the smile of her face so badly. My mate's going to ask about this tonight. I walk over to Audrey and mind link her, 'If you tell her anything I'll kill you'
      'Alright Alpha'
Cedar's POV

      The woman that told Nathaniel to take a baby 'Ian' to eat started to approach me, " Poor thing. Your so skinny, I could wrap my entire hand around your neck without effort, and you know what would happen. But listen to this, " She grabbed my by the neck, " That Alpha mate of yours is mine honey, and he went to feed our child, so if you come crawling back, I will not regret killing you"

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