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"you're the one i want. you're the one i need. you're the one i had. won't you come on back to me?"


Miles's POV

I was just about to get into my car after school when I noticed that Finn Wolfhard boy walking through the car park. I hated his guts. He hurt my Macy.

Oh what the hell? Why am I calling her my Macy? For god's sake, she probably hates me for asking her to be my girlfriend a few days ago. But that doesn't change how I feel about Wolfhard. I still hate him, and I need to knock some sense into that fucked up little head of his.

"Yo, Wolfhard!" I yell to him.

Finn's POV

I was walking through the car park after school, skateboard in hand, when someone yells out my name. I turn around.

It's Miles.

I stop walking and nod my head to show him acknowledgement. He then says, "You're the little fuckboy who broke Macy's heart, aren't you?" He scoffed at me and I scoffed back, shook my head in annoyance, and continued walking. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" He yelled after me.

So I stopped and turned around once more before saying, "Oh let me guess, you're gonna shame me and rub it in my face for the millionth time like everyone else did? I get it already, I made a mistake."

"I was there for her when you weren't," he said. I only shook my head once more.

"Look, I don't wanna fight, okay? She forgave me and we're on good terms now, so you can mind your own business." I was just about to begin walking out of the car park once more when Miles had to make yet another statement.

"You know, I loved her more than you ever did." I really didn't want to fight before, but with that statement....

.... he's gonna get it.

I was pissed. But not the kind where you just want to scream and throw stuff all over the place and give everyone the cold shoulder. Just the kind where you think it's so pathetic, you're practically laughing, but still calm and collected. All I said was, "Did ya?"

"Yeah, and you know what else?" he asked me. I just raised my eyebrows in response. "She loved me more than she ever loved you." Damn, this kid is really putting up a worthless fuss.

"But if she loved you that much, she wouldn't have declined your request for her to be your girlfriend and come back to me to forgive me!" With that statement, Miles slowly began walking ever more closer to me, until he was all up in my face. He raised up his fist and brought back his arm.

Oh sh!t

I was just preparing myself to get punched when someone yelled, "Quit it! Both of you!" I could never mistake that voice for anyone else.

Macy's POV

I was walking through the car park after school when I heard some yelling. When I came closer to the scene, I saw that Finn was about to be punched by Miles. The boy that I knew to be so sweet and gentle was about to punch my Finn. Right on time, I yelled out, "Quit it! Both of you!"

Both of their heads turned towards me faster than the speed of light, I'm sure they broke their necks. Miles let go of Finn and put both of his hands at his side. Finn just stood there in shock. "Macy, I-"

"Why were you gonna hurt him?" I cut him off. It upset me to see someone threatening the boy I loved. (god this is so cliche)

"He cheated on you. He broke your heart. I needed to set some things straight." He seemed guilty.

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