Chapter 5

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Once Katsukis mom, Mitsuki, had finished greeting me with a bear hug, I was able to go up to Katsukis room. Mitsuki said that where he would be. I walk to the end of the hall to stand right in front of his room. I breathe in and out before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" He yells anger dripping from his voice. I open the door to see him sitting in his desk chair looking up at me. His expression softens as his eyes meet mine. I close the door behind me and walk over to his bed sitting on it.

"What's up?" I ask him

"Deku..." he growls looking out the window.

"What about him?" I question.

"Did you see what happened during the class today! He threw that ball farther than I did! He was hiding his quirk from us the whole time. He mocked me for so many years! I just want to kick his ass!" Katsuki vents standing up from his chair. I stand up as well and walk over to him. I hug him while dragging my nail gently along his back to try and help him relax in our embrace as he hugs me back.

"I'm not sticking up for him so don't assume that's what I'm doing because it's not," I pause as I gather up my thoughts before I continue, "what if his quirk didn't come until later. I saw that when he uses it, he breaks his bones meaning that he may not be able to control it yet. He said  himself that he didn't know how to control it yet." I explain logically. I hope this doesn't piss him off even more. He grunts in response to my explanation. We let go and I look up at him with a smile on my face. He looks away with a grumpy frown. I playfully hit his arm making my way over to his bed.

"What the fuck was that for!?" He yells at me.

"You're being grumpy again," I say sounding innocent. It made him angrier after I just calmed him down. Oops...

"I have a reason." He says crossing his arms.

"You don't have to think about it, you just want to. Let's go out and get something to eat." I offer.

His expression softens, "Just the two of us?" he asks.

"Yeah, we haven't been able to in a while so I thought it would be nice," I reply with a smile.

"Well, let's go then," he says getting on his shoes and grabbing a hoodie. I set my charger on his desk since I wouldn't need it. "So you want a sweatshirt or something. It's supposed to be cold later." Katsuki offers. I smile and look up to face him shaking my head. He nods back with a smile then guides me out of his room and down the stairs. Katsuki wanted to just leave but I wanted to say goodbye to his mom and told her where we're going. She let us go and gives Katsuki twenty dollars after I told her I had some money. I'm surprised, even though I shouldn't be. Mitsuki knows that my mom makes way more money than they do but she doesn't care. I guess that's why she and mom are such good friends. I smile at the thoughts as Katsuki and I head out of the house to make our way to the mall.

Once we entered, I notice that not a lot of people were here. People must still be at work or coming home from work.

"Where do you want to eat?" Katsuki asks ripping me from my thoughts.

"I don't know, you pick," I reply. He nods as I follow to whatever food place he was taking me. Katsuki always picks the best places to eat out and I always seem to pick the worst place.

We stood in front of my favorite soup place and I look up at Katsuki with a bright smile before we head inside.

"Do you want your favorite?" Katsuki asks. I nod and find us a table near the window. I liked to look out at the stores in the mall from the window.

I felt a vibration in my pocket so I take out my phone to see my mom had texted me.

Mom:) - Daichi and I just got home from the hospital. Dad is home with him while I am on a quick mission. I'll see you when you get home later. Love you!

Me - Katsuki and I are eating at the mall. I'll see you later! Love you momma!

I turn my phone screen off then placing my phone on the table as Katsuki places my tray in front of me.

"Thank you," I say with a grateful smile. He nods looking away with a tint of pink coming up on his cheeks. That's so unlike him! What's happening to my Bakugo?

I pick up my fork and twirl some noodles, I blow before placing it into my mouth. It's still the best soup I've ever tasted!

"How is it?" He asks.

"Good! What did you get?" I ask him.

"Kau Kee noodle soup." He replies.

"Is it good?" I ask.

"Yeah, it could use hot sauce though." He murmurs.

"Can I try it?" I ask him.

"Sure, Whatever," he mumbles scooting the bowl towards me. I use my fork instead of his to try some. I spin my fork around and take some meat then I put it in my mouth to try it. That's actually really good!

"That's really good Katsuki!" I exclaim. 

"told you!" he says with his famous smirk. I giggle putting my hand against my mouth. Katsuki stares at me in shock and blush(?) on his face. something is wrong, Katsuki is never like this. 

"Are you okay Katsuki? You're acting really weird." I question. 

"I' m fine... speedy," he says really calm. 

"Are you sure?" I question.

"Yes! Don't make me repeat myself!" he shouts standing up. Yep, he's fine. 

I smile, "just checking," he grunts and continues to eat his soup. 

"Where do you want to go after this?" he asks sounding really annoyed now.

"Probably just walk around for a bit," I reply. he nods as we continue to eat out food in peace. 

Sorry for the sucky chapter. I'll make sure the next one is even better for everyone reading this story. Well I hope you all like this chapter! Thanks for reading!!! Bye!


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