No Choice

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      Weeks passed, the little coffee shop had become our morning routine, "So I am your boss right?" he asked not looking up from his phone as we sat at our table.

"Yes, sir." I replied. 

"So you have to do as I say, right?" he asked.

"Where are you going with this?" I asked as I put my coffee down. 

"Well, it turns out I have to go to this event, this Saturday, black tie, blah blah blah. And I know you're gonna say that you'll be on the sidelines, 'call me if you need me.'" he said. 

"I'll be on the sidelines, call me if you need me." I repeated, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

"You are going with me." he said.

"Yeah... and I'll be on the sidelines." I i said again. 

"No." he smiled.


"No." he said again with a wider smile.

"You've known me for how many months now? You should know by now that I don't do stuff like that." I said.

"You also said you weren't a body guard, and here you are." he continued to smile.

"Ugh fine, whatever." I said after a long pause of him just staring at me. His face immediately lit up.
"I hate you." I said quickly as I picked up my coffee cup. 

"Mmmm no you don't." he said, I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

      Later that week I sat on the floor looking at my tablet, trying to keep up with that was happening, my orders hadn't changed I was still a bodyguard. He sat on the couch watching tv.

"Hey, so have you though about what you're gonna wear tomorrow night?" he asked. I put my face in my hands and groaned. "I though so." 

At that moment there was a knock on the door, his face lit up and he got up to answer it and came back with a large white box in his arms.

"What's that?" I asked, tossing the tablet to the side,

"I figured you would wait till last minute, hoping I would change my mind and let you off the hook. Soo.... I took the liberty of choosing something out for you."

"Alright, let me see it" I said. 

"Nope, you'll see it when you put it on tomorrow." he said walking to his room to put it away.

      With the event just a few hours away, I went to take a shower, there was a knock on the bathroom door, "I'm going to start to get dressed" he said, "I left the box on your bed."

"Alright, thanks boss." I said through the door. After my shower I walked back to my room and tried to ignore the box as I started blow drying my hair and focused on a old style, elegant, hairdo (picture some pretty Lana Del Rey waves or something).

 The question of what ridiculous outfit did Stan choose kept bugging me, I walked back and stood at the edge of the bed and hesitantly opened the box, it was a beautiful, red, backless gown.

     I did my makeup, red lipstick and dark eyeliner, careful to not over do it either. Simple, yet elegant. I put on the gown along with the heels, 'god I hope I don't fall on my face.' By the time I was finished, I looked at the clock and it was time to go. I opened the door to my room and walked out, I found him standing by the bookshelf with a book in his hands, his back facing me. He looked gorgeous even from the back, wearing a suit and tie. 

"Hey, boss. I'm ready." I said, he turned to look at me, he shoved the book back randomly on the shelf without looking at it. I saw his eyes look at me from head to toe.

"Wow." he exhaled, with a nervous chuckle as he walked closer to me, "You look amazing." still looking at me several times. 

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." I said to him. He kept his eyes on me which made me nervous, I looked at the floor and smiled. 

"Shall we get going?" he asked.

We arrived, he held out his arm and I took it in mine, everything was elegant and beautiful. I was amazed looking around at everything, he let go of my arm and I felt his hand on my bare back. 

"I was hoping I'd see your whole tattoo in this dress, I see it goes down further than I imagined." he whispered in my ear. 

"I'm sorry to disappoint, Mr. Stan." I said at normal volume and smiled as I met his eyes. His eyes flickered to my lips as he licked his own. 

"Hey, Seb." I heard a voice calling him, it was Anthony walking towards us. He patted Sebastian's shoulder.

"Hey, man." Sebastian said to him. 

"Mackie." I said to him. He stared at me for several seconds.

"(YourLastName), is that you?" he asked. "You look amazing, I hardly recognized you." he laughed giving me a hug.

      We spent time talking to other guests, he introduced me as his close friend and not as his bodyguard. We walked away and he offered me a glass of champagne.

"I shouldn't drink while I'm on the job." I said.

"Well, as your boss, I'm giving you the night off." he smiled as he insisted on handing me the glass.

"You're the boss." I said taking it from him, we sat and talked for a bit.

he then stood up next to me holding out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked him. 

"You do not." he smiled. 

"Very well then" I said taking his hand and returning the smile. A slow song played, he put his hands around my waist while I put mine around his neck. We danced closely, wearing heels, I was nearly at eye level with him. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Being with him, it was comfortable, like being home. 

"You know, I'm not gonna stop bugging until I know how far down it goes." he said in my ear. 

"Well, I think you're just going to have to face the disappointment of not knowing, Mr. Stan." I said looking at him, he just smiled and I went back to leaning on his shoulder. After several drinks, dances and chats, we headed back to the apartment.

      He opened the door and let me in first, I took off my heels and carried them in my hand, he closed, locked the door, and tossed the keys on the table. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me, both a bit drunk, still recovering from our giggling fit from the ride home. 

"How is it, that I'm drunk, and was wearing these death traps," I held up my heels before tossing them on the floor, "And you're the one that almost tripped and walked into a glass door?" I laughed. 

"Well, sorry, I was distracted by this beautiful woman next to me." he laughed running his hand through his hair. We continued to laugh for several minutes, I leaned my head back on the couch.

"But, seriously, you are so beautiful." he said, I looked back at his serious expression, trying to figure out if he was playing. "And I wasn't the only one who noticed, all eyes were on you tonight, and I can't say that doesn't bother me. Mostly... because I can't call you mine." 

He slowly leaned in and kissed my lips, I put my hand on his smooth cheek holding him there. He slowly moved his hand from my waist down to my thigh, pulling up my dress until he was touching my bare thigh. 

"Stan." I said breaking the kiss, "We've both had a bit to drink tonight" I whispered. 

"You're right," he said fixing my dress, "I'm sorry." he said getting up to leave..

The Bodyguard|Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now