Chapter 16

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What were those scars on Ross' wrist? Would he harm himself? I don't think he would. He's too happy of a happy person to do that. Was he that really upset that he slapped me? I woke up and saw that Ross wasn't there. Maybe he went home.

I looked at the clock. It was 8:15 A.M. Shit, I was late for school. Well, there is no point in going now. I laid in my bed for a good hour staring at the ceiling just thinking. It was now 9:30. I got up, put on my hot pink slipper boots, put my hair in a high messy bun, then left the house. I drove anywhere.


After a while I ended up in downtown LA. I got out of my car and walked to the nearest Dairy Queen. I got a chocolate milkshake and started randomly walking around, probably not the safest thing, but I don't really care.

I noticed a dance studio. Why not go in and dance? Maybe it'll take my mind off of Ross. I walked in, and the dance studio was empty. I plugged my phone into the speakers and played Chandelier.

"Well done", someone said clapping. I turned around and saw Spencer. I rolled my eyes at him. "What do you want?", I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Spencer squinted his eyes and started walking closer to me. I looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you doing?", I asked backing away a little.

"What happened to your cheek?", he asked trying to get a better look at it. My eyes instantly widened. I completely forgot to cover it up. I looked in the mirror and covered my cheek. Maybe he didn't see it was a hand print. "Did someone hit you?", he asked looking at me concerned.

"No", I answered a little too quickly. He yanked my hand off of my cheek. "What the hell are you doing? Let go of me!", I yelled. Trying to pull my hand away, but he was too strong.

"Liar!! That's a hand print. Who slapped you?!?!?!", he asked looking at me concerned. "I don't see why you care", I said trying to walk out of the studio. "Sure we've had our bad times in the past, but I still care Carly. Believe it or not, I do care", he said not even trying to chase after me. Spencer and I have a bad past.

Long story short, Spencer and my brother Sage were best friends. They graduated together and all that fun stuff. Spencer got really drunk one night and tried to hook up with me. I was only 16, and he was 20 at the time. Spencer was like another brother to me.

"Carly I am really sorry about what happened that night. You are like my sister, and I miss you", he said. I couldn't stay mad at him any longer. It's been two years, and he was drunk. It was an accident. I missed Spencer too. I ran into his arms and cried. I cried about everything. About Ross slapping me, about my parents, and about the possibility that Ross cut himself.

Spencer and I went to my car and I told him everything that happened. Spencer looked like he wanted to kill Ross for hitting me, but he never would, because he knew that's not what I wanted. Spencer hurting Ross wouldn't make me feel any better. It would just make me feel worse.

"I think you should talk to this Ross character, and find out if he does cut himself. If you really love each other you'll make it work", he said. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. I really did miss him. I missed his hugs.

"Thank you", I said. Spencer got out of my car, and I drove to Ross' house. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I got the spare key out and opened the door. "Hello?", I called out. No one answered.

"AHHH!!!!", I heard someone yell upstairs. I ran up the stairs trying to find where the scream came from. I saw the bathroom light on with the door closed. I heard another painful yell. I ran into the bathroom to Ross on the floor with tears streaming down his face. He let out another gut wrenching scream. I looked at his wrist to see blood dripping down his wrist onto the cold hard tile floor. Blood there was so much of it. Dark red blood.

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