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Hana's pov

"You may go for your break hana and thank you for collecting these for me" says Ms.belle as she takes the literature assignments from me.

"You're such a nice girl, no wonder why they elected you as a head girl" she smiles.

"Thank you miss" I smile back and bid my goodbye before leaving the classroom heading towards the cafeteria.

I sigh when I realize how crowded the place is. Why do everyone have to be here? Of course for food but can't they just take there food and then eat it outside somewhere?. This place is always packed at this time.

"Hana!" my thoughts get interrupted by a loud deep voice calling me. I look over to my right to see Taehyung signalling me to join them.
I make my way to the table and sit down beside Mia.

"Hey" I greet them.

"What took u so long?" asks taehyung.

"Just helping Ms.belle with the assignments" I reply.

"Ah- I see, being a teacher's pet" tae says with a smug smirk. I playfully roll my eyes at him before turning to jimin.

"So anything interesting happened today? You seem like you want to say something" I ask.

"How did u know?" he asks in disbelief before continuing "Anyways have u guys seen the new guy?."

"New? You mean that guy joined today?" I ask. It's mid of the final term. This isn't the time to join school and how did he even get in? admissions are closed in the mid.

"Yeah. Haven't u seen him? He's devilishly handsome. My gay ass fell for him at the first look" Jimin placed his head in his palms and stares nowhere. Obviously daydreaming or do I say gaydreaming.

"God jimin you're making me even more curious about him. Where is he?" mia questions raising her eyebrows.

Just then the whole cafe becomes silent for a second. As if the time has came to halt. I turn around only to see all students froze in there places, eyes bulging out, mouth agape looking in the same direction. I follow their gaze and find myself staring at a well built boy with an angelic face.

Head girl | jjkWhere stories live. Discover now