Chap 16

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The boys exchange looks that I can't really understand I gulp back saliva I didn't even know was building up in my throat. what if they think I was just a spy and try to kill me what if th- "sure why not will do anything for you kiya and never know maybe our group and Seungmins can work together. I smile and group hug them

They tell me to get dressed my eyes widen "we're going today" they say why not I nod while smiling and go into my room to change I put on a loose crop top with overall shorts and sneakers and I head out we all get into their vehicle and I tell them where Seungmin lives when we get there I tell them I'll go out first I knock on the door and there's no answer so I knock again still no answer I start to think he's not home but soon the door opens revealing Seungmin he looks really terrible

He has bed hair some shorts on while being shirtless he doesn't have on shoes or socks "oh Seungmin you look...good" he just blinks at m win a shock stat the whispers you came back I shrug and whisper back I guess so he gives a small smile "but I'll come back only on 3 conditions first you have to let me be free as in let me go second you can't be all touchy touchy and lastly I want you to rekindle your friendship with bts"

As if almost on cue bts come over and give Seungmin a smile his eyes widen then he looks at me and says fine while pulling me into a hug I tell the guys to come in and they do just that. Seungmin seems a bit scared and on edge I ruffle his hair and tell him to calm down he looks at me with a smile the boys start talking about old days and soon enough they're laughing and cracking jokes like there's no tomorrow I roll my eyes and see the big man he eyes me suspiciously and ask what I'm up to I smile and say nothing

"Seungmin hasn't been himself ever since he lost you he kept telling himself he would then one day realization hit him and he knew you weren't coming back he has been depressed ever since I'm glad your back he's a complete mess without you and not to mention a asshole" I laugh at the last part I pat his shoulder

"Nice talk big man"

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