Final Chapter

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Enjoy The Last Chapter of "Return" 💔😢

Once we all get home Chan and minho help Seungmin into the house and put him in his bed. I take a shower and change not wanting to be in this uncomfortable dress anymore. I go to the bed and shake Seungmin so he can change. "Get up Seungmin!" I set him up but he just pulls me into a hug making me lay on his chest. "Ah Seungmin What are you doing?!"

Straykids come in and call Seungmin for something it sounds like it's an emergency. So I don't question it instead I get off of Seungmin and let him go. After what seemed like forever Jeongin comes in making me confused.

"Do you like my hyung or not? sometimes it looks like you do and the other times your so mean to him." I look at Jeongin with a offended face.

"Am I supposed to be nice to him every single second of the day even when he does stupid stuff I'm just supposed to smile and say whatever? No because even couples have disagreements and what not but I really do care for him."

Jeongin pulls me to where Seungmin was and covers my eyes. "Don't open them until I tell you to ok." I nod scared and nervously as we walk further until he stops and whispers "don't open your eyes yet." After a while I start hearing a melody then I hear people singing. Jeongin finally says I can open them I pull my hands away from my eyes to see the most beautiful sight ever.

Straykids are on the left while BTS are on the right singing (their singing Butterfly ofc) surrounding around the beautiful area while Seungmin is on top of it

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Straykids are on the left while BTS are on the right singing (their singing Butterfly ofc) surrounding around the beautiful area while Seungmin is on top of it. "Uh what's going on?" I ask nervously Minho tilts his head at Seungmin signaling for me to go over to Seungmin.

"I know that I haven't been the best person to you but you still show me that you care for me like tonight you made sure no one came near me while I was sleep so I wouldn't get hurt. You sacrificed your personal life to come back to me. Not to mention me and BTS wouldn't be friends again if it wasn't for you. You even tried to make things right between me and Jackson... he told me. Most importantly you said it yourself that you love me and Kiya I love you and..."

He stops I have tears in the brim of my eyes hearing him talk so highly of me but they come down my cheeks when he gets on one knee.

"Kiya you are so beautiful and precious and I don't ever want to be without you I want to love you everyday and night and wake up to know that I have you by my side so will you Kiya...Marry me?"

My eyes widen at his words I hug him while nodding repeatedly. "Yes Seungmin I'll marry you." He hugs me back before putting the huge ring on my finger.  As BTS sings I can't help but smile towards them Taehyung specifically I run over to him.

"Tae im getting married!" He shakes his head while laughing. I walk over to Seungmin "I thought you were drunk you look pretty sober?" He laughs while shaking his head then whispers in my ear "Sprite makes me sleepy." I hit his arm with a shocked expression I really thought he was drunk.

He laughs but pulls me back into a hug while looking down at me causing me to blush.

"I love you jagiya ."

"I love you too Seungmin."

The End

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