Chapter: 17 "Coward"

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I tracked the scent all the way back into the forest to an unfamiliar opening. When I reached that opening I smelt the faint smell of Shawn. His floral scent hit my nose and I immediately caught onto the direction he must have been taken. I quickly followed his smell, leading me further into the forest.

I was lead all the way into an unfamiliar, abandoned, and decrepit looking village. It had the faint smell of a werewolf pack but a stronger smell of Shawn and Dean. I followed the scent all the way to the largest building in the village which looked like an old but still sturdy shelter home, made from solid metal. I furrowed my brows as I approached the building and pushed open the single door. It opened smoothly as if it was just recently opened.

When I walked in I gasped at the sight in front of me. Across the room, Dean smirked as he locked eyes with me. He had his hand on the back of Shawn's neck, holding him firmly as he was on his knees in front of Dean facing me. I transformed back to my normal form as I watched carefully.

Shawn was bruised and beaten badly. His white tshirt and denim jacket he wore had a little blood on it followed with a few tears here and there. I could visibly see the wounds but why wasn't Shawn focusing on healing so he can kick Deans ass?

"Ellie..." Shawn whimpered. Followed by a hard cough and blood splattering out his mouth.
"Shawn!" I cried out as I quickly stepped forward, but to my movement, Dean whipped Shawn back, making me stop in my tracks.
"Stay right there, Ellie. Shawn here has something important to tell you..." Dean smiled a sadistic smile at me. It made my skin crawl as I looked at him. He was utterly insane...

"Tell her Shawnie boy!" Dean growled tightening his grip. Shawn closed his eyes tight and let out a grunt from pain.
"Dean plea-" I began to beg as I stepped closer but Dean yanked Shawn up to his feet making me stop again.
"Ellie, you might wanna stay a few feet back, this boy here is wreaking of dark secrets, one in particular that he's very, very ashamed of. Isn't that right?" Dean smiled wickedly at Shawn as he got in his face. Shawn just side-eyed him before looking back to me with a painful expression.

"C'mon, I'm sure she'll wanna hear about your past from your mouth instead of mine right? It is your story to tell after all." Dean continued.
"Shawn... it's ok." I encouraged him as I gave him a small reassuring smile.
"Yeah, Shawn, it's ok... tell her." Dean cooed.
"Ellie... I... I..." Shawn was hesitating.

"Good enough for a start," Dean scoffed before pushing Shawn forward. Shawn fell forward and closer to me. I jumped and quickly ran up to him.

"Shawn! Shawn are you ok?" I panicked as I placed my hands on his shoulders and helped him sit up on his knees. He was weak, breathing heavily and can barely keep his head up. I moved closer and let him rest his head on my shoulder as I stroked his hair.

"Ellie... how do you feel about, vampires. Hm?" Dean asked as he started circling Shawn and I. I just glared at Dean, not fully aware as to where he was getting at.
"I'll tell you how Shawn feels... Loves them! Loves the bloodsucking, parasitic, heartless demons..." Dean laughed. I just furrowed my brows and looked down at Shawn who's eyes were closed but tears were now streaming down his face.

"What the Hell are you talking about?" I snapped at Dean.
"Shawn hasn't told you everything, Ellie... Like the fact that he was practically raised by vampires and killed poor innocent people, mainly girls his age range at the time and hand delivered them to his adopted vampire parents to, guess what, drink them dry. And this was going on for... how long was that again Shawn?" Dean asked as he stopped right in front of us and leaned in closer, cupping his ear as if waiting for Shawn to respond.

"4 years? Started when you were just 16 right? Then at 20, your parasites told you to go off and find a pack to manipulate before leading them to their death right?" Dean answered for Shawn. My eyes widened and I stared at Shawn in shock.

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