Fabricator X Nick M. pt 3

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The library is the perfect place to be when it's extremely hot outside.
Because there's complimentary mints and free air conditioning.

But of course, it has it's flaws; much like every other public gathering spot in the world.

This one in particular has a lot of children in it.

Which isn't all that bad, except the children are of a decent age.

Maybe 14-16 years old.

And they keep throwing things like pencils and paper airplanes to each other, even after the librarian threatened to kick them out (which she still hasn't done by the way.)

And when a pencil hits the back of your head, you're spinning around with a harsh glare and all the children begin babbling and apologising about how it was all some big joke gone wrong.

"Ms. that was him-" one young man says while pointing to a nearby friend.

"WHAT!? no!! That wasn't even me i-" the other one shouts and you're interjecting before he can continue.

"Just don't do it again."

The boys become silent as you sit back down in your seat.

you hear a voice tease "Eaasyy tiger." From behind you, which precipitates you to spin around and be greeted by a smiling Nick.

"Oh, hiii. It's fine. They're fine" your angry glare instantly molding into a beaming smile that matches his.

( he's flattered by this.)

But, then suddenly he takes a quick look at your features and almost instantly becomes serious.

"Hey, can we...?" He nods over to two seats and you shake your head in agreement.

Once you're both seated he smiles but, it's not as genuine as it normally is which is making you a bit nervous.

Also he seems anxious as he struggles to start the conversation.

"Is... everything alright?" You ask as kinda an ice breaker to get the boat rowing and he gives a brief nod before leaning in closer to you.

"Y/N...is there something that you may need to tell me?"

"E-excuse me? what do you mean?" You're becoming especially fidgety now that you've heard that, and he may or may not have noticed.

"Your name wasn't on the list yesterday and I wanna know why. It's kinda been bothering me."

"I told you it's probably just a mistake, why are you making such a big deal out of it." You say defensively.

"It doesn't make any sense, Universities can't make mistakes like that y/n." He whispers

"So what, are you implying that I'm a liar?" Your tone doesn't quite raise but, it changes pitch and he notices.

"No... I'm not...I just- I'm trying to understand."

"Understand what? there's nothing to understand."

"Understand why no one could give me your name yesterday. I mean, they couldn't even direct me to your dorm."

"Because, they're not supposed to."

"Y/n I'm not calling you a liar...I just don't get it. For God's sake if you're a photographer I'd at least expect you to wear a damn camera around your neck."

That realization hits hard as you look down at your bare neck then back up at Nick.

He was right, how much longer were you planning on lying to him?

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