Pete Best forever, Ringo never!

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A cute version as to how George got his     black eye

A cute version as to how George got his     black eye

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This is how the boys look in this fic


"FUCK OFF YOU SHALLOW PIECE OF SHIT!" screamed George to a stranger as Ringo walked into the room, completely unaware of what was about to break down. The stranger, a taller male, gripped poor George by the collar and used his other hand to land a punch right in his eye. Everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing to make loud gasps, Ringo included. As soon as George hit the floor he attempted to get back up and fight the guy, but the other men in the room quickly restrained the two in an attempt to defuse the situation. Security guards dragged the screaming stranger away and John, Paul and Ringo ran to George's side.

"Are you ok?" asked Paul quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Does it hurt?" asked John soon after. Ringo wanted to express his concern for George too, since he was full of it, but George brushed past them before Ringo could get a word in. He stormed off with an angry demeanor to his private changing room, deciding he was done with the after party.

Ringo was extremely worried to say the least. He'd only officially been a beatle for a couple weeks now, but in those weeks he'd never known George to get mad. Heck, even before he joined the group George seemed like the calm silent type. The one to avoid conflict. So something really bad must have happened to cause him to go off. He turned to his other band members looking for answers, since the two had been in the room the whole time.

"What happened?" He asked desperately. Paul looked down at him with uncertainty, shifting uncomfortably whilst John turned his gaze away and hummed a tune. "C'mon guys, tell me!" Ringo practically begged. Paul coughed through his fist awkwardly. "Ok, but you're not gonna like it mate." He said as a warning. He was about to begin explaining when John beat him to it. "That dude was a fan of Pete. He was sayin' how ye ugly and shouldn't be in the group, and how Pete was way betta. Anyhow, George took it personally and a fight started." John shrugged, trying to seem casual about it. He obviously took it personally too, but he'd never show it due to his pride.

Ringo felt a pang of guilt. He'd always felt guilty about taking Pete's place, especially after the fans sour reactions. Paul was quick to notice his distressed face. "Oi, mate, we all made the decision to let you in the band. Ain't none of us havin' regrets, y'know? We play much betta with ya." He smiled warmly, nudging Ringo's shoulder. Paul's kind words brought a small smile to Ringo's previously doubtful face, causing him to blush a little. "Ye, ta mate." he beamed in reply. Thoughts of George quickly filled the man's head though, and he snapped back into reality.

"I'm gonna check on George." He informed, quickly deserting the two. Ringo approached George's dressing room and knocked with caution. No reply. He knocked again and added: "It's Ringo." He waited a second before George's familiar voice mumbled from the other side of the door. "Come in."

Ringo pushed the door open slowly, allowing himself into the small room and shutting the door behind him. George sat turned away from him, hunched over in a depressed like state. "George... are you right?" Ringo asked timidly, not sure if George's rage had fully gone. The taller, slim boy sighed lightly. "Yeah, m'fine." he announced, finally turning to Ringo with a weak smile. Ringo gasped. "No you are not! You have a black eye!" he responded, running to his side. George chuckled fondly at Ringo's reaction. "S'nothing." he excused as Ringo approached the sink with a cloth. He came back and sat across from George, gripping George's jaw to pull his face closer. He then proceeded to dab his black eye with the wet cloth, trying his best not to get flustered at their closeness. However, when Ringo dared to look at George their eyes met and he felt the heat rise to his face. George smirked which Ringo chose to ignore, deciding to focus on the black eye.

" didn't have ta do that." Ringo said after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. He pulled the cloth away from George's perfect face and their eyes met. George looked a little grumpy about his comment. "He was n'arse." He grumbled. "But George, ya shouldn't have ta take a black eye 'cause someone calls me ugly. I'm used to those comments by now." George was now the one blushing. "How did you know about that?" He asked quickly. "John told me." George clicked his tongue and got up from his seat, deciding to stand facing away from Ringo. There was a little tension as the pair basked in silence for a bit.

"Ya not ugly though. And ye a great drummer. That arse needed ta know, s'all." George finally explained, breaking the dawning silence. Ringo signed in defeat. "I appreciate it but everyone's entitled to their own opinion, yeah? Let that arse think what he wants." Ringo tried to reason, but quickly shut up when George snapped around fury consumed his eyes. "S'not an opinion! That's a fact!" he yelled, storming over to Ringo. He got right up close to Ringo's face, forcing him to blush, and grabbed the flustered boy's shoulders.

"S'a fact! You're bloody brilliant and I just don't get why the world won't see it!" He yelled. His breath was hot and rugged against Ringo's face. Ringo stared into George's mad eyes, watching as they slowly became loving. George moved his face ever so slightly closer as he looked to Ringo's eyes, than lips. "I damn well see it." He whispered, causing Ringo to shiver with excitement. George was the one who proposed Ringo join the beatles, and was always the first to get upset when fans disagreed. He was probably upset about all the times people were blind to Ringo's greatness and took it out on the one fan, having to hold it all in must have been hard, and when that arsehole approached him he snapped.

Ringo couldn't take their closeness any longer and closed the little space between them.

Their warm lips met for a couple seconds, George immediately reacting by moving his hands from Ringo's shoulders to hair. Ringo wrapped his arms around George's tiny waist, pulling away from the blissful kiss and resting his head on George's shoulder. George quickly hugged back.

"Thank you, George." Ringo whispered giddily.

"Anytime." smiled George, stroking his hair.

"But next time someone offends me, come find me and take out your anger through a kiss, yeah?" joked Ringo, pulling away from the hug to see George's reaction.

"Anything you want, Ringo dear." he smirked, giving Ringo another quick peck. Ringo giggled as the heat again rose to his cheeks.

"So are you and I...?" asked Ringo shyly.

"Anything you want, remember?" winked George, diving in for more kisses.

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