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With a tender kiss the princess opened her eyes, waking from her sleep. The spell was broken, or it should have broken according to the fairytales. But, this was no tale, this was real.

Mac sat beside Sophia, had done for days. Trying to wake her from the spell that sent her to sleep. Flowers, still blossomed around her. New ones coming as soon as the old ones faded. It was like some kind of living tomb, blanketing her. Saving her top half which was cushioned by long, dark turquoise grass. Sophia looked pale, as if she was made of porcelain. her hazel eyes closed and her chest rising and falling with shallow breath. Her hair fell in waves around her. In every tendril a flower grew, bright and just as beautiful as the one before.

Faerie was looking after her, keeping her alive. Keeping her from something.

Coming - 1st Novemeber 2014 :)

A/N: Thank you all so very much, for being so patient. I've been juggling working full time, doing an intense course to do with work and planning my wedding. Now that everything is approching the end, I will have more time to write and carry on with the sequel.

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