Fated Encounter also know as Don't skip the prologue

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Author: If you can Recognize my new writing style, Based on my Friend :3
And I will try to be as "realistic" as possible *wink*

We start the story with an overhead city view as the camera pans to a person on top of a building wearing a strange device, we cant really determine on what kind it is as they are too far away, at the wind blows the person suddenly jumped

We start the story with an overhead city view as the camera pans to a person on top of a building wearing a strange device, we cant really determine on what kind it is as they are too far away, at the wind blows the person suddenly jumped

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We now see a silhouette of a man-

Author: Scaramush Scaramush did you do the fandando- sorry

Soaring to the sky- but as we get close, he was actually falling very fast as upon inspection, he is wearing some type of rectangular device attach on both sides of his waist while carrying, well it seems to resemble a comically large Box cutter

Soaring to the sky- but as we get close, he was actually falling very fast as upon inspection, he is wearing some type of rectangular device attach on both sides of his waist while carrying, well it seems to resemble a comically large Box cutter

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This guy despite falling is feeling no fear at all as he twisted mid air so he could face towards the incoming pavement ready to kiss his face

?: *sigh* well, can't say I didn't appreciate Mei when she said this could be pretty handy. Let's give it a Try.

Zooming to the Blade's handles, we can see two triggers with one being occupied by his index and the other by his middle finger as he pulled the bottom trigger, Resulting for the rectangular device to shoots out a grappling hook from their respective top nozzles, said hooks are now attached to a nearby building.

Zooming to the Blade's handles, we can see two triggers with one being occupied by his index and the other by his middle finger as he pulled the bottom trigger, Resulting for the rectangular device to shoots out a grappling hook from their respect...

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